CBSE Board Syllabus (2011) Philosophy Class 11th & 12th

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Courses of Studies 2011

Class : 11th & 12th

26. Philosophy (Code No. 040)

Philosophy, a theoretical enterprise with practical applications, aims at understanding the nature and meaning of life and Reality. It is both a view of reality and a way of life. It is considered to be the mother of all branches of knowledge. The nature of Philosophy is that in it no answer is left
unquestioned. It attempts to understand and explain the fundamental axioms and presuppositions which are taken for granted by all branches of knowledge. The +2 syllabus is designed to give the students a glimpse of the nature of problems and the way they are dealt with in its various branches-
Logic, Ethics, Classical Indian Philosophy and Western Philosophy.

One Theory Paper                         Time: 3 Hours               100 Marks

Scientific Method
1. Methods of Natural and Social Sciences                              10
2. Observation and Experiment                                               10
3. Science and Hypothesis                                                      10
4. Mill’s Methods of Experimental Inquiry                               10
5. Nyaya Theory of Knowledge (General Survey)                     10
6. The nature and subject matter of logic                               06
7. Terms and Propositions                                                       15
Relation between Propositions
8. Categorical Syllogism                                                            10
9. Elements of Symbolic Logic                                                  06
10. Buddhist Formal Logic                                                         13

Unit 1 : Methods of Natural and Social Sciences                   20 Pds.
Value of Science. Nature and aim of Scientific Methods: Difference between Scientific induction, and Induction by simple enumeration. Difference between methods of Natural Sciences and Social Sciences.

Unit 2 : Observation and Experiment                                    20 Pds.
Their Differences; fallacies of observation.

Unit 3 : Science and Hypothesis                                             25 Pds.
The place of hypothesis in scientific method. Formulation of relevant hypothesis. Formal conditions of valid hypothesis. Hypothesis and crucial experiments.

Unit 4 : Mill’s methods of Experimental Inquiry                       25 Pds.
The method of agreement;
The method of difference;
The joint method of agreement and difference;
The method of concomitant variation;
The method of residue

Unit 5 : Nyaya Theory of Knowledge                                         30 Pds.
General Survey – Prama, Pramana, Pramanya, Pratyaksa, Anumana, Upamana, Sabda

Unit 6: The nature and scope of logic                              14 Pds.
What is Logic? Use and application of Logic. Difference between Truth and Validity

Unit 7 : Terms and Propositions 30 Pds
Definition of Term; Denotation and Connotation of Terms. Definition of Proposition and traditional classification of Propositions. Distribution of Terms.
Relation between Propositions                                         12 Pds.
Traditional Square of Propositions

Unit 8: Categorical Syllogism                                               24 Pds.
Its definition: Rules of valid syllogism and Fallacies.

Unit 9 : Elements of Symbolic Logic                                     14 Pds.
Value of using symbols in Logic
Basic Truth-tables.

Unit 10 : Buddhist Formal Logic : Theory of Anuman            26 Pds.

Suggested reference:
1. Bhola Nath Roy Text-book of Inductive Logic
2. -do- Text-book of Deductive Logic
3. I.M. Copi Introduction to Logic.
4. S.C. Chatterjee Nyaya Theory of Knowledge.
5. S.R. Bhatt and Anu Melhotra Buddhist Epistemology
6. Chatterjee and Dutta Indian Philosophy

One Theory Paper                 Time: 3 Hours                   100 Marks

A. INDIAN PHILOSOPHY                                                     50
1. Nature and Schools of Indian Philosophy                     10
2. Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita                                 10
3. Buddhism, Jainism                                                       10
4. Nyaya-Vaisesika and Samkhya- Yoga                             10
5. Advaita Vedanta                                                          10

B. WESTERN PHILOSOPHY                                                50
6. Knowledge and truth                                                   10
7. The causal Principle.                                                    10
8. Nature of Reality                                                          10
9. Realism and Idealism                                                    10

C. Applied Philosophy
10. Environmental Ethics, Professional Ethics and Philosophy of Education     10

Unit 1: Nature and Schools of Indian Philosophy: Some basic issues Rta, Karma, Four Purusarthas : Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksa                 24 Pds,

Unit2: Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita: Karma Yoga (Anasakta Karma), Svadharama, Lokasamgraha     24 Pds.

Unit 3 : Buddhism, Jainism                                                 24 Pds.
Four noble truths and eight-fold path; Theory of dependent origination. Anekantavada and syadvada.

Unit 4 : Nyaya - Vaisesika and Samkhya – Yoga                    24 Pds
(1) Nyaya theory of Pramanas, (2) Vaisesika Theory of Padarthas ‘, (3) Samkhya Theory of Three Gunas, (4) Yoga- The Eight-fold Practice.

Unit 5: Advaita Vedanta                                                       24 Pds.
The nature of Atman, Brahman and the world.

Unit 6 : Knowledge and truth

Rationalism, Empiricism and Kant’s Critical Philosophy

Unit 7 : The Causal Principle                                                 24 Pds.
Nature of Cause
Aristotle’s theory of four-fold causation cause-effect relationship: entailment, regularity and succession. Theories of causation.

Unit 8: Nature of Reality
Proofs for the existence of God                                            24 Pds.
Ontological, Teleological and Cosmological arguments.

Unit 9 : Realism and Idealism                                            24 Pds.
Mind-Body Problem

C. Applied Philosophy
Unit 10: Environmental Ethics and Professional Ethics      24 Pds.
(a) Study of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Environments
(b) Medical and Business Ethics.
(c) Philosophy of Education

Suggested References:
1. John Patrick                                 :          Introduction to Philosophy
2. John Hospers                               :          Introduction to Philosophical Analysis
3. D.M. Datta and S.C. Chatterjee   :          Introduction to Indian Philosophy
4. M. Hiriyanna                                 :         Essentials of Indian Philosophy
5. A.C. Ewing                                   :          Fundamental Questions of Philosophy
6. H. Titus                                        :         Living issues in Philosophy
7. C.D. Sharma                                 :         A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy
8. William Lillie                                 :        An Introduction to Ethics
9. S.R. Bhatta and Anu Mehrotra     :        Buddhists Epistemology, (Greenwood Publishing House, Connecticus, USA)
10. Shri Aurobindo                           :        On Education, Pondicherry
11. S.R. Bhatt                                  :        Knowledge, Values and Education, Gyana Publishing House, New Delhi.

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Please visit for CBSE Board other syllabus (2011) Class 11th & 12th