Download CBSE Biology Sample Papers Class XI (11th) 2007
Sample Paper – 2007
Class – XI
Q. 1 to 5 carries 1 mark each.
Q.6 to 12 carries 2 marks each.
Q.13 to 24 carries 3 marks each.
Q.25 to 27 carries 5 marks each
- What is Down’s syndrome.
- What is walking fern.
- What is cell fractanation.
- What is endosperm OR What is oncogenesis.
- What is cell theory.
- What is test cross.
- What is cloning OR Draw reproductive organs of rat.
- Write principle of DNA fingerprinting.
- Draw body plan of mollusc.
- Write all taxonomic hierarchies.
- Mention the two laws of thermodynamics.
- Write significance of mitosis.
- Mention properties of enzymes.
- Write merits and demerits of Benthem and Hooker’s classification.
- Distinguish between cyton and axon.
- Explain epistasis OR Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
- Draw T.S. of typical monocot root.
- Explain genetic disorders OR Explain vestigal organs.
- Explain genetic engineering.
- What is competitive inhibition OR Draw a compound microscope.
- Explain Hershley and Chase experiment.
- What is chiasmata describe its significance.
- How is sex determined in humans.
- Explain phyllotaxy and heterophylly.
- Explain an earthworm OR Describe modifications of roots.
- Explain biosynthesis of proteins.
- Describe class aves and reptilia OR Describe complex tissues.
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