Download CBSE Business Studies Sample Paper with Solution Class XII - 2009
Sample Paper 2009
Business Studies
Class XII
Time: 21/2 Max. Marks: 60
- Which characteristic of management is highlighted in the statement ?
2. To-meet the objectives of the firm the management of Angora Ltd. offers employment to physically challenged person. Identify the organizational objective it is trying to achieve.
3. "The Principal (s) of Management are different from those used in pure science" Write any one difference.
4. Why is it said that management principles are universal?
5. A company needs a detailed plan for its new project construction of a shopping mall. What type of plan is it ?
6. One of the functions of management is considered a base for all other functions. Name that function.
7. Give one example of 'Noise' in the process of communication.
8. What is Supervision?
9. Which consumer right gives the business firms freedom to set up their own consumer service and grievance cell?
10. Sandeep purchased a diesel car for Rs. 7 Lacs. from and automobile company and found its engine defective. Despite many complaints the defect was not restified. Suggest to him the appropriate authority where he could file a complaint under Consumer Protection Act.
11. Does control help in 'Judging the accuracy of standards' and, improving motivation of the employees ? Explain.
12. Explain the term 'Financial Planning'.
13. State any three objectives of National Stock Exchange.
14. Distinguish between the concepts 'Product' and 'Production' in Marketing keeping following as the base :
(i) Focus, (ii) Means, (iii) Ends.
15. Are the shareholders of a company likely to gain with a debt component in the capital employed? Explain with the help of an example.
16. State any four benefits of training.
17. Taking corrective/remedial action is the last step in the process of one of the functions of management.
(a) Name the function. (b) Explain' the other steps of the above mentioned function.
18. Mohan and Sohan are friends working in Surya Ltd. as production and sales manager respectively. In an interdepartmental meeting Sohan informed Mohan about a change in the marketing policy of the company.
(a) Identify the type of communication used in the above example.
(b) Name and explain any two networks of the type of communication identified in part (s).
19. Distinguish between delegation and decentralization of authority on the following basis
(i) Nature, (ii) Purpose, (iii) Freedom of action, (iv) Level of authority.
20. State any four responsibilities of a consumer while purchasing/consuming goods/services.
21. Explain the term 'co-ordination' and its importance in management.
22. 'Determination of the price of a product' is influenced by many factors. Explain any five factors that have an influence on price.
23. Explain the following principles of management:
(a) Equity,
(b) Remuneration of Employees,
24. In spite of best efforts of managers sometimes planning fails to achieve desired results due to its limitations. Explain any five limitations of planning.
25. Explain any five function of a Stock Exchange.
26. What is meant by 'Functional Organisation Structure'? State any two advantages and two disadvantages of
such structures.
Describe the steps involved in the process of 'Organising.'
27. You are the personnel manager of Anoop Ltd. You want to appoint staff for your company. Explain the Selection procedure' you should follow for this.
Your school has vacancies of teachers. The eligible staff had already been promoted to some posts. Still some vacancies are left. Explain any four source of recruitment you will use for filling up these vacancies.
28. In an organisation there are many leaders. But a good leader must be a distiguished one. Suggest any four qualities that a good leader must possess.
'It is only' 'Motivation through which the managers can inspire their subordinates to give their best to the organisation.' In the light of this statement explain any four points of importance of motivation.
29. What is meant by 'Working Capital'? Describe any four factors which affect the working capital requirement of company.
What is meant by 'Fixed Capital'? Describe any four factors which affect the fixed capital requirement of a company.
30. 'It is necessary that goods and services must be made available to the customer at the right place. in right quantity and at the right time.’
(a) Name and explain the concerned element of marketing mix.
(b) Explain the components of this element.
'Various tools of communication are used by the marketers to promote their products.'
(a) Name and explain the most commonly used non-personal tool of promotion which is paid for by the marketer.
(b) Explain any two merits and two limitations of this tool.
Ans. 1. "In order to be successful an organisation must change its goals according to the needs of the environment." This statements highlight that management is a dynamic functions.
Ans.2. The management of Angora Ltd. is trying
Ans.3. The Principles of Management are modified according to a given situation whereas principle(s) of pure science are not modified according to the changing situation.
Ans.4. Management principles are said to be
Ans. 5. The type of plan is 'Strategy'. Strategy, refers to future decisions defining the organisation's direction and scope in the long run. It includes three dimensions :
(i) Defining long term objectives
(ii) Adopting a particular course of action
(iii) Allocating resources necessary to achieve the objectives.
Ans. 6. 'Planning' is that function of management which is considered as a base for all other function.
Ans. 7.
Ans. 8. Supervision refers to direct and immediate guidance and control of subordinates in the performance of their tasks.
Ans. 9. Right to representation : The consumer has a right to file a complaint and to be heard in case of disatisfaction with certain goods or service. It is because of this reason that many reputed business firms have set up their own consumer service and grievance cells.
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