- Bussiness Studies - 2008
Business Studies - 2007
(Set I - Delhi)
General Instructions:
1. Answers to questions carrying 2 - 3 marks should not exceed 30 - 40 words.
2. Answers to questions carrying 4 - 5 marks should not exceed 60 - 80 words.
3. Answers to questions carrying 6 marks should not exceed 100 words.
4. Attempt all parts of a question together.
Q. 1. What is meant by Supervision ? 2
Q. 2. What is meant by Marketing Management ? 2
Q. 3. Explain in brief the concept of Personal Selling. 2
Q. 4. What role does social environment play in the business ? 2
Q. 5. Mohan, a manager expects his subordinates to adapt to the new environs and working conditions without giving them time to settle down. Which principle of management is being overlooked and why ? 2
Q. 6. Write short note on ‘management as an activity’. 3
Q. 7. State any three factors that influence the effectiveness of a leader. 3
Q. 8. Distinguish between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ communication. 3
Q. 9. Briefly explain any three Objectives of marketing management. 3
Q. 10.State with reasons your choice of a media of advertising for selling of toys. 3
Q. 11. Differentiate between’management’and’administration’. 4
Q. 12. What is meant by ‘money market’ ? Briefly explain the concept of ‘call money’. 4
Q. 13. Define ‘delegation’ and differentiate it with ‘decentralisation’. Any three points. 4
Q. 14. With the help of suitable examples bring out any four differences between training and development. 4
Q. 15. What is meant by a ‘Primary Market’? Briefly explain the concept of ‘Initial Public Offer.’ 4
Q. 16. What is meant by ‘Work Study’ ? Briefly explain the role of ‘Time’ and ‘Motion’ studies while setting the Standard Task. 5
Q. 17. Explain in brief the term ‘Liberalisation’. In what ways have the Indian business ouses/managements responded to this change ? 5
Q. 18.What is meant by ‘controlling’ ? Briefly explain any three points of importance of controlling. 5
Q. 19. Explain the term ‘Financial Management’. Briefly explain any three of its objectives. 5
Q. 20. What is meant by the term ‘Capital Structure’ ? Briefly explain any three factors that affect the capital structure of a company. 5
Q. 21.Explain the steps involved in the process of organisation. 6
Briefly explain the considerations that need to be kept in mind while designing the organisational structure of a company.
Q. 22.What are the features of ‘Planning’ ? Explain any six. 6
Explain how does planning help reducing uncertainties ?
Q.23.What is meant by ‘Recruitment’ ? Explain any five external sources of recruitment of employees. 6
What is meant by ‘Selection’ ? Explain any five steps involved in the process of selection of employees.
24. Briefly explain the different factors that determine the choice of channels of distribution of any product. 6
“Advertising misleads customers and increases the cost of products”. Do you agree with this statement ? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Q. 25. Explain any three ways and means of consumer protection available in India. 6
Explain any three responsibilities of the consumer to safeguard his interest.
Business Studies - 2007
(Set II - Delhi)
General Instructions:
1. Answers to questions carrying 2 - 3 marks should not exceed 30 - 40 words.
2. Answers to questions carrying 4 - 5 marks should not exceed 60 - 80 words.
3. Answers to questions carrying 6 marks should not exceed 100 words.
4. Attempt all parts of a question together.
Q. 1.What is meant by the term ‘Motivation’ ? 2
Q. 2. What is meant by Sales Promotion ? 2
Q. 3. Define Product Mix. 2
Q. 4. What role does legal environment play in the business ? 2
Q. 5. Mohan, a manager, does not distribute the work amongst his subordinates, either according to capability or proportionately. Which principle of management is being overlooked and why ? 2
Q. 6. Write a short note on ‘Management as a Discipline’. 3
Q. 7. Briefly explain any three barriers to effective communication. 3
Q. 8. Distinguish between ‘Direction’ and ‘Supervision’. 3
Q. 9. Briefly explain any three objectives of marketing management. 3
Q. 10. State with reasons your choice of a media of advertising for selling of soft drinks. 3
Q. 11. Explain in brief the objectives of management. 4
Q. 12. What is meant by ‘stock exchange’ ? Briefly explain any three of its functions. 4
Q. 13. What is meant by ‘Primary Market’ ? Briefly explain the concept of ‘Rights issue for existing companies’. 4
Q. 14. Distinguish between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ organisation (any four points). 4
Q. 15. Distinguish between ‘external’ and ‘internal’ sources of recruitment (any four points). 4
Q. 16. Briefly explain the techniques of Taylor’s Scientific Management. 5
Q. 17. What is meant by ‘Privatisation’ ? In what ways have the Indian business houses/managements responded to this change ? 5
Q. 18. What is meant by ‘controlling” ? Briefly explain any three steps in the process of controlling. 5
Q. 19. What is meant by ‘financial management’ ? Explain any three decisions involved in financial management. 5
Q. 20. Explain the meaning of Fixed Capital. Briefly explain any four factors that determine the fixed capital of a company. 5
Q. 21. Does planning have limitations ? Explain any five such limitations. 6
Explain why planning is necessary for effective management.
Q. 22. Define the term ‘decentralisation’. Outline any four points of itsimportance for organisations. 6
What is meant by ‘delegation of authority’ ? Explain any three elements of delegation of authority.
Q. 23. What is the meaning of ‘training’ ? Explain any four needs of training. 6
Briefly explain the different methods of training.
Q. 24. Explain any six functions of marketing. 6
“Advertising misleads customers and increases the cost of products.”Do you agree with this statement ? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Q. 25. Explain any three ways or means of consumer protection available in India. 6
Briefly explain any three rights of a consumer available under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Business Studies - 2007
(Set III - Delhi)
General Instructions:
1. Answers to questions carrying 2 - 3 marks should not exceed 30 - 40 words.
2. Answers to questions carrying 4 - 5 marks should not exceed 60 - 80 words.
3. Answers to questions carrying 6 marks should not exceed 100 words.
4. Attempt all parts of a question together.
Q. 1. What is meant by ‘Grapevine’? (2)
Q. 2. Define ‘Marketing’. (2)
Q. 3. What does the concept of ‘product-mix’ mean? (2)
Q. 4. What role does political environment play in the business? (2)
Q. 5. Mohan, a manager expects his subordinates to work for the happiness and pleasure of
being in the organisation. Which principle of management is being overlooked and why?
Q. 6. Write short note on ‘management as a profession’. (3)
Q. 7. Briefly state any three elements of ‘directing’. (3)
Q. 8. Distinguish between ‘monetary’ and ‘non-monetary’ incentives. (3)
Q. 9. State with reasons your choice of a media of advertising for selling of gold jewellery.
Q. 10. Briefly explain the merits for choosing magazines as a media for advertising. (3)
Q. 11. What are the three levels of management? State any three functions of the top level management. (4)
Q. 12. What is meant by ‘money market’? Briefly explain the concept of ‘Certificate of Deposit’ (CD). (4)
Q. 13. What is meant by a ‘Primary Market’? Briefly explain the concept of ‘Initial Public Offer. (4)
Q. 14. Define‘delegation’and differentiate it with ‘decentralisation’. Any three points (4)
Q. 15. With the help of suitable examples bring out any four differences between training and development. (4)
Q. 16. What is meant by ‘controlling’? Briefly explain any three points of importance of controlling. (5)
Q. 17. Explain the term ‘Financial Management’. Briefly explain any three of its objectives. (5)
Q. 18. What is meant by the term ‘Capital Structure’? Briefly explain any three factors that affect the capital structure of a. company. (5)
Q. 19. Explain in brief the term ‘Liberalisation’. In what ways have the Indian business houses/managements responded to this change? (5)
Q. 20. What is meant by ‘Work Study’? Briefly explain the role of ‘Time’ and ‘Motion’studies while setting the Standard Task. (5)
Q. 21. What are the features of ‘Planning’? Explain any six. (6)
Explain how does planning help reducing uncertainties?
Q. 22. Briefly explain the different factors that determine the choice of channels of distribution of any product. (6)
"Advertising misleads customers and increases the cost of products”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Q. 23. Explain any three ways and means of consumer protection available in India. (6)
Explain any three responsibilities of the consumer to safeguard his interest.
Q. 24. What is meant by ‘Recruitment’? Explain any five external sources of recruitment of employees. (6)
What is meant by ‘Selection’? Explain any five steps involved in the process of selection of employees.
Q. 25. Explain the steps involved in the process of organization, (6)
Briefly explain the considerations that need to be kept in mind while designing the organizational structure of a company.