CBSE Agriculture Theory Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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Series OSS                                                                                                                                      Code No. 70

                                                                                   AGRICULTURE (Theory)
Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                                                               Max. Marks: 70

General Instructions :
(i)    All questions are compulsory.
(ii)    Marks for questions are indicated against each of them.



1.    Mention five major classes of field crops of India with one crop as example from each group. Also give one important characteristic Of  each group. 5+5


2. (a)    Match the following:
(i)    Azolla                                 (1)    Fungicide
(ii)    Boron                                (2)    Biofertilizer
(iii)    2, 4-D                               (3)    Insecticide
(iv)    Endosulphan                    (4)    Micronutrient
(v)    Thiram                               (5)    Herbicide


(b)    What do you understand by the following ? Explain in brief.    5
(i)    Soil fertility
(ii)    Natural resources
(iii)    Puddling
(iv)    Interculturing
(v)    Minimum tillage

Fill In The Blanks:
(i)    Soluble Sodium percentage in sodic soils is >____________ %.
(ii)    Crop’s over growth is called ____________
(iii)    Acidic soils are amended by ____________
(iv)    Late Blight is a disease of ____________
(v)    Rhizobium is a ____________
(vi)    Rice takes up nitrogen mostly in the form of ____________ion.
(vii)  Atmospheric air contains ____________% nitrogen.
(viii)  C/N ratio of normal soil is 10:1 to 12: ____________.
(ix)    Arrangement of soil particles is called soil ____________.
(x)    Ergot is a disease of ____________


4.    Give the   following   informations on the two crops, Pigeon-pea and
wheat :    2x5
       Pigeon pea
(i)    Family name
(ii)    Botanical name
(iii)    Seed rate/ha.
(iv)    Nutrient (N, P2O5) needs
(v)    Name one major insect
(i)    Family name
(ii)    Botanical name
(iii)    Seed rate/ha.
(iv)    Most critical stage for irrigation
(v)    Name two varieties of Green Revolution

5. Describe in brief five factors to be considered while laying out a fruit or a vegetable nursery.                10


6. Fill in the blanks :
(i)    ____________is a plant growth promoting substance.
(ii)    Ideal pH of juice extract of fruits for jelly preparation is____________
(iii)    ____________is the botanical name of mango.
(iv)    Hybrid polyanthas are also called____________
(v)    ____________Mandarin is widely grown in North-East provinces of India.
(vi)     Allahabad Safeda is a variety of ____________
(vii)   Lye peeling is related to fruit ____________
(viii)  Banana belongs to family ____________
(ix)    Lemon  and  lime  are  commonly  propagated by budding ____________.
(x)    The science of production of vegetables is called ____________


7.    Give the specific information asked for, for the following two crops    2x5
(i)    Family name
(ii)    Botanical name
(iii)    An important variety
(iv)    Method of propagation
(v)    Breaking dormancy of seed potato
(i)    Place of origin
(ii)    Family name
(iii)    Processing of flowers and spikes for market
(iv)    An improved variety
(v)    Method of propagation