CBSE Board Guess Paper – 2010
Class – XII
Physical Education
General Instructions:
(i). All questions are compulsory.
(ii). Question paper carries two parts namely A & B
(iii). Answer to any question carrying 2 marks should be in approximately 30 words.
(iv). Answer to any question carrying 3-4 marks should be in 50-60 words respectively.
(v). Answer to any question carrying 5-6 marks should be in approximately 100-150 words.
Q1. What do you understand by wellness? 2
Q2. Explain any two principles of physical fitness development. 2
Q3. What principles should be followed to improve physical fitness? 6
Q4. What is the concept of sports training? 2
Q5. What are Isokinetic exercises? 2
Q6. Discuss in detail the components of physical fitness. 6
Q7. Define leadership. 2
Q8. Explain briefly about ‘Olympic prize and Olympic motto’. 2
Q9. How can the quality of leadership be developed through Games and Sports? 6
Q10. Explain the concept of Sports environment. 2
Q11. Explain the importance of infrastructural set-up in sports environment. 2
Q12. Discuss essential elements of positive environment and its importance in sports. 5
Q13. Define yoga in your words. 2
Q14. What are the elements of yoga? Explain. 3
Q15. Discuss “yoga as heritage of India”. 5
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