PSYCHOLOGY (Code No. 037)
Psychology is introduced as an elective subject at the higher secondary stage of school education. As a discipline, psychology specializes in the study of experiences, behaviours and mental processes of human beings within a socio-cultural and socio- historical context. This course purports to introduce the learners to the basic ideas, principles and methods in psychology so as to enable them to understand themselves and their social world better. The emphasis is put on creating interest and exposure needed by learners to develop their own knowledge base and understanding.
The course deals with psychological knowledge and practices which are contextually rooted. It emphasizes the complexity of behavioural processes and discourages simplistic cause-effect thinking. This is pursued by encouraging critical reasoning, allowing students to appreciate the role of cultural factors in behaviour, and illustrating how biology and experience shape behaviour. The course while developing an appreciation of subjectivity, also focuses on multiplicity of worldviews. It is suggested that the teaching - learning processes should involve students in evolving their
own understanding. therefore, teaching of psychology should be based on the use of case studies, narratives, experiential exercises, analysis of common everyday experiences, etc. The present effort at reforming and updating the syllabus is based on the feedback received from the teachers and students as well as some new educational and curricular concerns such as, the curriculum load, interdisciplinary approach, issues related to gender parity, concerns of special and marginalised groups, peace and environmental concerns, and inculcating citizenship values.
1. To develop appreciation about human behaviour and human mind in the context of learners’ immediate society and environment.
2. To develop in learners an appreciation of multidisciplinary nature of psychological knowledge and its application in various aspects of life.
3. To enable learners to become perceptive, socially aware and self -reflective.
4. To facilitate students’ quest for personal growth and effectiveness, and to enable them to become responsive and responsible citizens.
Class XI (Theory)
One Theory Paper 3 Hours
Unitwise weightage Marks : 70
Units Marks
Foundations of Psychology
I. Introduction to Psychology 08
II. Methods of Psychology 09
III. The Bases of Human Behaviour 08
IV. Human Development 07
V. Sensory and Perceptual Processes 08
VI. Learning 08
VII. Human Memory 08
VIII Language and thought 07
IX. Motivation and Emotion 07
Practicals (Projects, experiments, small studies) 30
Foundations of Psychology (90 Periods)
Unit I: Introduction to Psychology 08 Marks (16 Periods)
The unit seeks to help understanding and appreciating psychology as a discipline, its applications and relationships with other sciences through appropriate and interesting examples and analysis of everyday experiences.
Nature of psychology; Basic concepts: Person, Consciousness, Behaviour and Experience: Similarities and variations in psychological attributes; Evolution of the discipline of psychology; Developments in psychology in India; Psychology and other disciplines; Linkages across psychological processes.
Unit II: Methods of Psychology 09 Marks (20 Periods)
The objective of this unit is to familiarize with the methods of studying and understanding psychological questions and issues.
Goals of psychological enquiry; Some important methods: Observation, Naturalistic, Experimental; Correlational study; Interview, Case study; Psychological tools: Tests, Questionnaires and gadgets; Analysis of data: Concepts and computation of the Measures of Central Tendency: Graphical Presentation of Data: Bar, Histogram, Polygon; Ethical issues in the study of psychological processes.
Unit III: The Bases of Human Behaviour 08 Marks (20 Periods)
This unit focuses as on the role of biological and socio-cultural factors in the shaping of human behaviour and experience. Evolutionary perspective on human behaviour; Biological and cultural roots; Nervous system and endocrine system: Structure and relationship of with behaviour and experience; Brain and behaviour, Role of Neurotransmiters in behaviour. Sleep and weakfulness. Genetic bases of behaviour; Culture and human behaviour: Socialization, Enculturation and Acculturation; Globalization; Diversity and pluralism in the Indian context.
Unit IV: Human Development 07 Marks (16 Periods)
This unit deals with variations in development and the developmental tasks across the life span.
Meaning of development; Factors influencing development; Contexts of development; Overview of developmental stages: Prenatal development, Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence (particularly issues of identity, health, social participation), Adulthood and Old age.
Unit V: Sensory and Perceptual Processes 8 Marks (20 Periods)
This unit aims at understanding how various sensory stimuli are received, attended to and given meaning.
Knowing the world; Nature of stimuli; Nature and functioning of sense modalities; Sensory Adaptation; Attention : Nature and determinants; Selective and sustained attention; Principles of perceptual organization; Role of perceiver , characteristics in perception; Pattern recognition; Perceptual phenomena : After images; Space Perception, Perceptual constancy, Illusions, Person perception; ocio-cultural influences on perception.
Unit VI : Learning 8 Marks (20 Periods)
This unit focuses on how human beings acquire new behaviour and how changes in behaviour take place.
Nature of learning and learning curve: Paradigms of learnings: Classical and Operant Conditioning, Observational Learning, Cognitive learning, Verbal learning, Concept learning, skill-learning; Factors facilitating learning; Transfer of learning: Types and Applications, Learning styles: Learning disabilities; Some Applications of learning principles.
Unit VII : Human Memory 8 Marks (20 Periods)
This unit deals with how information is received, stored, retrieved and lost. It will also discuss how memory can be improved.
Nature of memory; Information Processing Approach; Levels of processing; Memory systems - Sensory memory, Short-term memory, Long -term memory; Knowledge representation and organisation in memory; Memory as a constructive process; Nature and causes of forgetting; Enhancing memory; Pathologies related to memory.
Unit VIII : Language and Thought 07 Marks (20Periods)
This unit deals with thinking and related processes like reasoning, problem-solving, decision making and creative thinking and relationship between thought and language.Thought and language: Nature and interrrelationship; Stages of cognitive development: Introduction to the ideas of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Information Processing Approach; Development of
language and language use; Reasoning: Problem-solving; Decision making; Creative thinking: Nature, process and development.
Unit IX: Motivation and Emotion 07 Marks (18 Periods)
This unit focuses on why human beings behave as they do. It also deals with how people experience positive and negative events and respond to them.
Human existence and nature of motivation; Biological needs; Social and psychological motives: Achievement, Affiliation and Power, Maslow's hierarchy of needs; Emerging concepts: Competence, Self efficacy and Intrinsic Motivation: Nature of emotions; Physiological, cognitive and cultural bases of emotions; Expression of emotions; Positive emotions; Happiness, Optimism, Empathy and Gratitude; Development of positive emotions; Managing negative emotions such as anger and fear.
Practicals (Projects, experiments, small studies, etc.) 30 Marks (60 Periods)
The students shall be required to undertake one project and conduct three practicals. The project would involve the use of different methods of enquiry and related skills. Practicals would involve conducting experiments and undertaking small studies, exercises, related to the topics covered in the course (e.g. Human development, Learning, Memory, Motivation, Perception, Attention and Thinking).
(i) Reporting file including Project work; 05 Marks
(ii) Viva Voce : 05 Marks
(iii) Two experiments : 10 marks each (05 for conduct and 05 for reporting)
Recommended text books:
1. Psychology, Published by NCERT
Class XII (Theory)
One Theory Paper 3 Hours
Unitwise weightage Marks : 70
Units Marks
Psychology, Self and Society
I. Intelligence and Aptitude 09
II. Self and Personality 10
III. Human Strengths and meeting the Life Challenges 07
IV. Psychological Disorders 10
V. Therapeutic Approaches 07
VI. Attitude and Social Cognition 08
VII. Social Influence and Group Processes 07
VIII. Environmental and Social concerns 06
IX. Professional Skills for Psychologists 06
Practicals (Psychological testing, Case Profile etc.) 30
Psychology, Self and Society
Unit I : Intelligence and Aptitude 09 Marks (20 Periods)
The unit aims at studying how people differ with respect to intelligence and aptitude.
Individual differences in intelligence: Theories of Intelligence; Culture and Intelligence; Emotional intelligence; Aptitude: Nature and types: Assessment of psychological attributes.
Unit II : Self and Personality 10 Marks (24 Periods)
This unit focuses on the study of self and personality in the context of different approaches in an effort to appraise the person. The assessment of personality will also be discussed. Aspects of self: self concept: Self-esteem and Self-regulation; Culture and self; Personality: Concept; Approaches to Personality: Type and Trait, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Behavioural and Cultural; Assessment of Personality: Self-report Measures, Behavioural Analysis, and Projective Measures.
Unit III : Human Strengths and Meeting Life Challenges 07 Marks(14 Periods)
This unit deals with the nature of stress and how responses to stress depend on an individual’s appraisal of stressors. Strategies to cope with stress will also be dealt with. Life challenge and adjustment; Concept of adaptation; Human strengths and virtues: Nature, types and effects on psychological functioning; Coping with stress; Concepts of health and well-being; Life style, health and well-being.
Unit IV: Psychological Disorders 10 Marks (24 Periods)
This unit discusses the concepts of normality and abnormality and the major psychological disorders.
Concepts of abnormality and psychological disorder, Causal factors associated with abnormal behaviour, Classification of disorder, Major psychological disorders: Anxiety, Somato-form Dissociative, Mood, Schizophrenic, Developmental and Behavioural Substance Related.
Unit V : Therapeutic Approaches 07 Marks (20 Periods)
Nature and process of therapy; Nature of therapeutic relationship; Types of therapies: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Cognitive, Behaviour; Alternative therapies: Yoga, Meditation; Zen; Rehabilitation of mentally ill people.
Unit VI : Attitude and Social Cognition 08 Marks (20 Periods)
This unit focuses on the formation and change of attitudes, cultural influences on attributional tendencies and conditions influencing pro-social behaviour.
Explaining behaviour through attributions; Social cognition; Schemas and stereotypes; Impression formation; Nature and components of attitudes; Attitude formation and change; Behaviour in the presence of others: Pro-social Behaviour; Prejudice and discrimination; Strategies for handling prejudice.
Unit VII : Social Influence and Group Processes 07 Marks (22 Periods)
The unit deals with the concept of group, its functions and the dynamics of social influence process like conformity, obedience and compliance. Different conflict resolution strategies will also be discussed.
Influence Processess: Nature of Conformity, Obedience, and Compliance: Cooperation and Competition; Groups: Nature, formation and types; Influence of group on individual behaviour; Social identity; Inter-Group Conflict; Conflict Resolution Strategies.
Unit VIII: Environmental and Social Concerns 06 Marks (18 Periods)
This unit focuses on the application of psychological understanding to some important social issues.
Human- environment relationship; Environmental effects on human behaviour. Noise, pollution, crowding, natural disasters, social issue: Aggression and Violence; Social Inequality and Poverty; Media and human values; Promoting pro-environmental behaviour, Human rights and citizenship; Peace.
Unit IX: Professional Skills for a Psychologist 06 Marks (18 Periods)
This unit deals with some effective psychological and interpersonal skills for facilitating personal-social development.
Psychological skills: Observation, Interviewing, Testing, Counseling and Communication.
Psychological testing Practicals 30 Marks (60 Periods)
The students shall be required to prepare one case profile and conduct 5 practicals related to the topics covered in the course. The case profile will include developmental history of the subject, using both qualitative (observation, interview) and quantitative (Psychological testing) approaches. Practicals would involve using standardised psychological assessment devices in different domains (e.g. intelligence, personality, aptitude, adjustment, attitude, self-concept, and anxiety).
Distribution of Marks:
(i) Reporting file including case profile: 05 Marks
(ii) Viva Voce : 05 Marks
(iii) Two practicals 10 marks each (5 for accurrate conduct and 5 for reporting).
Recommended text books:
1. Psychology, Published by NCERT
SOCIOLOGY (Code No 039)
Sociology is introduced as an elective subject at the senior secondary stage. The syllabus is designed to help learners to reflect on what they hear and see in the course of everyday life and develop a constructive attitude towards society in change; to equip a learner with concepts and theoretical skills for the purpose. The curriculum of Sociology at this stage should enable the learner to understand dynamics of human behaviour in all its complexities and manifestations. The learners of today need answers and explanations to satisfy the questions that arise in their minds while trying to understand social world. Therefore, there is a need to develop an analytical approach towards the social structure so that they can meaningfully participate in the process of social change. There is scope in the syllabus not only for interactive learning, based on exercises and project work but also for teachers and students to jointly innovate new ways of learning.
Sociology studies society. The child’s familiarity with the society in which she /he lives in makes the study of sociology a double edged experience. At one level sociology studies institutions such as family and kinship, class, caste and tribe religion and region- contexts with which children are familiar of, even if differentially. For India is a society which is
varied both horizontally and vertically. The effort in the books will be to grapple overtly with this both as a source of strength and as a site for interrogation.
Significantly the intellectual legacy of sociology equips the discipline with a plural perspective that overtly engages with the need for defamiliarization, to unlearn and question the given. This interrogative and critical character of sociology also makes it possible to understand both other cultures as well as relearn about one’s own culture.
This plural perspective makes for an inbuilt richness and openness that not too many other disciplines in practice share. From its very inception sociology has had mutually enriching and contesting traditions of an interpretative method that openly takes into account ‘subjectivity’ and causal explanations that pay due importance to establishing causal
correspondences with considerable sophistication. Not surprisingly its field work tradition also entails large scale survey methods as well as a rich ethnographic tradition. Indeed Indian sociology, in particular has bridged this distinction between what has often been seen as distinct approaches of sociology and social anthropology. The syllabus provides
ample opportunity to make the child familiar with the excitement of field work as well as its theoretical significance for the very discipline of sociology.
The plural legacy of sociology also enables a bird’s eye view and a worm’s eye view of the society the child lives in. This is particularly true today when the local is inextricably defined and shaped by macro global processes.
The syllabus proceeds with the assumption that gender as an organizing principle of society cannot be treated as an add on topic but is fundamental to the manner that all chapters shall be dealt with.
The chapters shall seek for a child centric approach that makes it possible to connect the lived reality of children with social structures and social processes that sociology studies.
A conscious effort will be made to build into the chapters a scope for exploration of society that makes learning a process of discovery. A way towards this is to deal with sociological concepts not as givens but a product of societal actions humanly constructed and therefore open to questioning.
1. To enable learners to relate classroom teaching to their outside environment.
2. To introduce them to the basic concepts of sociology that would enable them to observe and interpret social life.
3. To be aware of the complexity of social processes.
4. To appreciate diversity in society in India and the world at large.
5. To build the capacity of students to understand and analyze the changes in contemporary Indian society.
Class XI (Theory)
One Theory Paper 3 Hours
Unitwise weightage Marks : 70
Units Marks
A. Introducing Sociology 34
1. Society, Sociology and relationship with other social sciences 6
2. Basic Concepts 8
3. Social Institutions 10
4. Culture and Society 10
5. Practical Sociology : Methods & Techniques Evaluated through Practical
B. Understanding Society 46
6. Structure, Process and Stratification 10
7. Social Change 10
8. Environment and Society 10
9. Western Social Thinkers 8
10. India Sociologists 8
Class XI (Practical)
Paper 3 Hours
Unitwise weightage Marks : 20
Units Marks
A. Project (undertaken during the academic year at school level) 07 marks
i. Statement of the purpose : 2 marks
ii. Methodology / Technique : 2 marks
iii. Conclusion : 3 marks
B. Viva - based on the project work 05 marks
C. Research design 08 marks
i. Overall format : 1 mark
ii Research Question/Hypothesis : 1 mark
iii. Choice of technique : 2 marks
iv. Detailed procedure for implementation of technique : 2 marks
v. Limitations of the above technique : 2 marks
Unit 1: Society & Sociology and Relationship with other (Periods 22)
social sciences
Introducing Society: Individuals and collectivities. Plural Perspectives
Introducing Sociology: Emergence. Nature & Scope. Relationship to other disciplines
Unit 2: Basic Concepts (Periods 22)
Social Groups
Status and Role
Social Stratification
Social Control
Unit 3: Social Institutions (Periods 24)
Family and Kinship
Political and Economic Institutions
Religion as a Social Institution
Education as a Social Institution
Unit 4: Culture And Society (Periods 20)
Culture. Values and Norms: Shared, Plural, Contested
Socialization: Conformity, Conflict and the Shaping of Personality
Unit 5: Practical Sociology: Methods & Techniques (Periods 22)
Tools and Techniques: Observation, Survey, Interview
The Significance of Field Work in Sociology
Unit 6: Structure, Process and Stratification (Periods 22)
Social Structure
Social Processes: Cooperation, Competition, Conflict
Social Stratification: Class, Caste, Race, Gender.
Unit 7: Social Change (Periods 22)
Social Change: Types and Dimensions; Causes and Consequences.
Social Order: Domination, Authority & Law; Contestation, Crime & Violence
Village, Town & City: Changes in Rural & Urban Society
Unit 8: Environment And Society (Periods 18 )
Ecology and Society
Environmental Crises and Social Responses
Unit 9: Western Social Thinkers (Periods 24)
Karl Marx on Class Conflict
Emile Durkheim on Division of Labour
Max Weber on Bureaucracy
Unit 10: Indian Sociologists (Periods 24)
G.S. Ghurye on Race and Caste 10 Marks
D.P. Mukerji on Tradition and Change
A.R. Desai on the State
M.N. Srinivas on the Village
Recommended textbooks
1. Sociology, Part-I, Published by NCERT
2. Understanding Society, Part-II, Published by NCERT
Class XII (Theory)
One Theory Paper 3 Hours
Unitwise weightage Marks : 80
Units Marks
Indian Society 32
1. Introducing Indian Society Non evaluative
2. Demographic Structure & Indian Society 6
3. Social Institutions-Continuity and change 6
4. Market as a Social Institution 6
5. Pattern of Social Inequality and Exclusion 6
6. Challenges of Cultural Deiversity 8
7. Suggestions for Project Work Non evaluative
Change and Development in Indian Society 48
8. Structural Change 6
9. Cultural Change 6
10. The Story of Democracy 6
11. Change and Development in Rural Society 6
12. Change and Development in Industrial Society 6
13. Globalization and Social Change 6
14. Mass Media and Communications 6
15. Social Movements 6
Class XII (Practical)
Paper 3 Hours
Unitwise weightage Marks : 20
Units Marks
A. Project (undertaken during the academic year at school level) 07 marks
i. Statement of the purpose : 2 marks
ii. Methodology / Technique : 2 marks
iii. Conclusion : 3 marks
B. Viva - based on the project work 05 marks
C. Research design 08 marks
i. Overall format : 1 mark
ii Research Question/Hypothesis : 1 mark
iii. Choice of technique : 2 mark
iv. Detailed procedure for implementation of technique : 2 mark
v. Limitations of the above technique : 2 mark
B & C to be administered on the day of the external examination
Unit 1: Introducing Indian Society (Periods 10)
Colonialism, Nationalism, Class and Community
Unit 2: Demographic Structure And Indian Society (Periods 10)
Rural-Urban Linkages and Divisions
Unit 3: Social Institutions: Continuity & Change (Periods 14)
Family and Kinship
The Caste System
Unit 4: Market As A Social Institution (Periods 10)
Market as a Social Institution
Unit 5: Pattern of Social Inquality & Exclusion (Periods 24)
Caste Prejudice, Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes
Marginalization of Tribal Communities
The Struggle for Women’s Equality
The Protection of Religious Minorities
Caring for the Differently Abled
Unit 6: The Challenges Of Cultural Diversity (Periods 12)
Problems of Communalism, Regionalism, Casteism & Patriarchy
Role of the State in a Plural and Unequal Society
What We Share
Unit 7: Suggestions For Project Work (Periods 18 )
Unit 8: Structural Change ( Periods 10)
Colonialism, Industrialization, Urbanization.
Unit 9: Cultural Change (Periods 12)
Modernization, Westernization, Sanskritisation, Secularization .
Social Reform Movements & Laws
Unit 10 : The Story Of Democracy (Periods 22)
The Constitution as an instrument of Social Change
Parties, Pressure Groups and Democratic Politics
Panchayati Raj and the Challenges of Social Transformation
Unit 11: Change And Development In Rural Society (Periods 10)
Land Reforms, Green Revolution and Agrarian Society
Unit 12: Change And Development In Industrial Society (Periods 14)
From Planned Industrialization to Liberalization
Changes in the Class Structure
Unit 13: Globalisation And Social Change (Periods 12)
Unit 14: Mass Media And Communication Process (Periods 12)
Unit 15: Social Movements (Periods 22)
Class-Based Movements: Workers, Peasants.
Caste-Based Movements: Dalit Movement, Backward Castes, Trends in Upper Caste Responses.
Women’s Movements in Independent India.
Tribal Movements.
Environmental Movements.
Recommended textbooks
1. Indian Society - Sociology, Published by NCERT