Madhya Pradesh Board Syllabus Physics Class – XI

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Aims :-
1. To develope fundamental conceptual knowledge of the subject.
2. To describe the utility of physics in daily life.
3. To facililate developement of problem solving skills.
4. To emphasise use of international standards as per S.I. units, symbols, and formulae.
5. To emphasise importance of physics and technology as per social needs.
6. Logical and prograssive distribution of units.
7. To emphasise indigeneous contribution in physics and technology.
8. To familiarise the students with the new concepts and inventions in the field of information technology.
9. To develope scientific temper in students.

Objectives :-
1. To state the utility of different principles and aims of physics in social life.
2. To learn about the optional use of available resources.
3. To equip the students with sufficient knowledge base of physics so that they donot find any difficullty in persuing heigher education.
4. To provide enstructions about physics principles and laws of physics students in a manner which will help them to select appropriate vocational streame as per their interest and ability for their better future.
5. To develope Procedural, experimental, observationl. directional skills. Also and develope reasearch skills in them.
6. To help students to know about contribution of ancient and modern physists.


Maximum Marks-100.                                                                  TIME - 3 HRS.
[Theory 75 + Practical 25]

Unit         Name of Unit                                  Marks                   Period

1. Introduction of Physics ,Fundamental
mathematical Concepts and Measurement :        06                        02
2. Kinematics                                                  08                        18
3. Force and laws of motion                             08                        18
4. Rotational motion of rigid body                    07                        12
5. Work, Energy and Power                             06                        10
6. Gravitation                                                08                        18
7. General properties of matter                      08                        18
8. Oscillation and Wave Motion                       08                        18
9. Calorimetry and conduction of heat             10                       18
10. Thermodynamics                                     06                       10
Revision                                                       -                         20 
                                         Total:                75                      180

Unit-1.                                         06
Introduction of Physics Fundamental mathematical Concepts and Measurement:
1.1 Meaning of Physics, Ancient Indian physics, Nature of Physical laws and its relationship with mathematics, Technology and other branches of science and society.

1.2 Mathematical concepts - Revision of Geomatrical concepts (Pythagorus theorem), Use of elementary Algebraic identities (Solution of quadratic equation sp. refrence to Shridharacharya ), use of Binomial theorem in physics, Logarithm. trigonometric ratios, trigonometric formulae, (Sum, difference and product), Concept of Function, elementary knowledge of formulae for differentiation and integration.

1.3 Vector and scaler quantities, types of vectors, Unit vector, Addition of vectors, resolution of vectors in a plane, rectangular resolved parts, vectors in two and three dimensions, scaler and vector product of two vectors.

1.4 Measurement of physical quantities -
Need for measurement, measurement in ancient India, fundamental and derived quantities, Units of measurement, systems of units, S.I. Units, dimensional analysis, application and limitations. Accuracy and errors in measurement, type of errors and their combinations, order of magnitude, significant figure and number of significant figures in a calculation.
Questions should not be set from these portions in examinations.

Unit 2.                                         08 Marks
Kinematics -

Knowledge of one, two and three dimensional motions, examples from daily life
2.1 One dimensional motion, uniform and non uninform motion in straight line, position – time graph, speed, average speed, instantaneous speed, velocity, average velocity instantaneous velocity, and relative velocity, uniform accelerated motion, velocity- time graph, relationship between displacement, velocity and acceleration. Elementry Knowladge of diffrentiations integration for describing motion.

2.2 Two dimensional motion rectangular components of position, displacement, velocity and acceleration, projectile motion, uniform circular motion, general examples of three dimensional motion.

Unit 3.                                            08 Marks
Force and Laws of motion -

Concepts of force, (Reference to the " Maharishi Kanad" and his work named "veg sanskar") and inertia, types of inertia, Newton's first law of motion, momentum second law of motion, impulse, third law of motion, conservation of linear momentum and its applications, rocket propulsion, equilibrium of concurrent forces. Friction, Static and kinetic friction,
laws of friction, rolling friction, advantages and disadvantages of friction, means to minimize the friction. Elementary idea of inertial and non-inertial farms of reference. Circular motion uniform circular motion, centripetal acceleration. Centripetal force, examples of uniform circular motion (motion of vehicles on plane and banked circular path) Examples of Non uniform circular motion (circular motion in vertical plane). Concepts of pseudo force, centrifugal force and its examples.

Unit 4.                                                      07 Marks
Rotational motion of rigid bodies -

Centre of mass of two particle system, Generalization for N particles. Conservation of momentum, motion of centre of mass, centre of mass of a rigid body, concept of rotational motion about a fixed axis, moment of force, torque (vector representation), moment of inertia and its physical interpretation, radius of gyration. Theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes for calculation of moment of inertia, moments of inertia of thin rod, circular ring, disc, sphere and cylinder (derivation not needed). Concept of angular momentum and its geometric representation, law of conservation of angular momentum and its applications, examples of binary systems in nature (Binary stars, earth, moon, diatomic molecule).

Unit 5.                                                         06 Marks
Work, Energy and Power

Concept of work, work done by constant and variable force, units and its dimensional formula, conservative and non-conservative forces, Energy, forms of energy, kinetic energy and its measurement, relation between momentum and kinetic energy, work energy theorem.
Potential energy and its measurement, conservative force and potential energy, potential energy of spring, law of conservation of energy, transfer of potential energy of a freely falling body, elastic and in elastic collision, one and two dimensional elastic, and inelastic collision, power, different units of power and relationship between them.  Specific heat of mono atomic and di atomic gasses.

Unit 6.                                                                  08 Marks
Gravitation -

Introduction (With special reference to ancient indian scientist "BHASKARACHARYA, ARYABHATT etc)
The universal Law of gravitation, gravitational constant, its units and dimensional formula, acceleration due to gravity, change in its value with change in longitude, altitude and depth, height, Mass and density of earth, inertial and gravitational mass, gravitational field and gravitational potential, gravitational potential energy, Escape velocity, reason of absence of atmosphere on moon, orbital speed and time period of revolution of satellite, geostationary and polar satellite and their applications.
Weightlessness in satellites. Kepler's laws of planetary motion, verification of second and third law of Kepler's (for circular orbit), explanation of Newton's law of gravitation with the help of Kepler's law.

Unit 7.                                                                     08 Marks
General properties of matter -
Solid - Inter molecular distance and inter molecular force, rigidity and brittleness Elasticity -Meaning and definition of elasticity also with special reference to Nyay Karikavali stress, strain, elastic limit, Hooke's law, young's modulus, poisons ratio, modulus of elasticity and its types, elastic fatigue, elastic after effect, elasticity of gases and their inter relationship.
Fluid - Fluid pressure, pascal's law and its applications (hydrolic lift and hydrolic Breaks,) upthrust, Laws of Floatation, Archimedies principle, Atmospheric pressure, Torricelle's experiment. Surface Tension, surface energy, Angle of contact, application of surface tension, cappillarity, effect of gravity on fluid pressure capillarity, determination of surface tension by capillary meniscus, Excess pressure in side drops and bubbles. Stream line and turbulent flow, viscosity and coefficient of viscosity Reynold's number, equation of continuity, Bernoulli's theorem and its applications, Stoke's laws (fall of sphere
in liquid) terminal velocity.

Unit 8.                                                              08 Marks
Oscillations and wave motion -

Oscillation - Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion and its characteristics, expression for displacement, velocity, accelerlaration and time period of simple harmonic motion, relation between circular motion of a reference particle and simple harmonic motion, phase difference, oscillation of spring, restoring force and spring constant.
Energy in simple Harmonic motion, potential and kinetic energy simple pendulum and expression of its time period, free forced and damped oscillations (qualitative idea only) resonance, coupled oscillation.
Waves - wave motion, wave propagation, transverse and longitudinal waves, progressive waves, displacement relation for progressive wave, principle of superposition of waves, reflection of waves, stationary waves (In strings and pipes), Normal mode beats (with mathematical Analysis), Doppler effect.

Unit 9.                                                       10 Marks
Calorimetry and Conduction of Heat-

9.1.Thermometry and thermal Expansion- Thermometry, heat, Temperature, thermal equilibrium and temperature, zeroeth law of thermodynamics, Elementary Knowledge of thermometers, Mercury thermometer. Jolly's constant volume air thermometer, standard hydrogen gas thermometer, absolute scale of temperature and gas laws, triple point of water, resistance thermometer, thermal Expansion, coefficients of thermal Expansion and relation between them, application of thermal Expansion in daily life. Expansion in Liquid, Change in density of solids and liquids with temperature.

9.2. Specific heat of Solids and gases-
Specific heat of Solids, Dulong and Petits Laws, specific heat of gasses, relation between of thermal conductivity, Determination of coefficient of thermal conductivity by Searle's apparatus. Applications of thermal Conductivity, convection, radiation, nature of themal radiation, Black body, absorption, transmission, reflection, emmisive power and emissivity, Privost's law of heat exchange, Kirchhof's Law and its uses, energy distribution in black body radiation, Wein's displacement law, stefan's Law, Planck's law of radiation, Newton's law of cooling, derivation of Newton's Law of cooling from Stefan's Law, verification of Newton's Law of cooling (Cooling curves)

9.3. Transfer of Heat-
Conductions, variable and steady state of temperature and temperature gradient, coefficient

Unit 10.                                                         06 Marks
Definitions related to thermodynamics, P-V graph, work done in the expansion of gases, isothermal, adiabatic and cyclic process, internal energy of gases, first Law of thermodynamics and its applications, mechanical equivalent of heat, thermodynamic variables, equation of state,Vander wall's Equation of state reversible and irreversible process, heat engine, Carnot's engine and its efficiency, refrigerator coefficient of performance, second law of thermodynamics.

Class - XI
Time : 3 Hours                                                                               Max Marks – 25

List of practical -
Any ten (10) experiments from the following list must be performed:
(1) Uses of vernier callipers
        (i) To measure diameter of spherical / cylindrical bodies.
       (ii) To determine the volume and density of regular bodies.
       (iii) To determine the internal diameter and depth of hollow cylinder.
(2) Uses of Screw gauge :-
       (i) To measure the diameter of a given wire.
       (ii) To measure the thickness of a given sheet.
       (iii) To measure the volume of an Irregular Lamina.
(3) Uses of spherometer
       (i) To determine the radius of curvature of a given spherical surface.
       (ii) To measure the thickness of a given sheet.
(4) To study the relationship between force of limiting friction & normal reaction & to find the coefficient of friction between a block & Horizental surface.
(5) To find the downward force a along an inclined plane acting on a roller due to gravitational pull of the earth & study its relationship with the angle of inclination by plotting Graph between force & sin0.
(6) To determine acceleration due to gravity using simple pendulum.
(7) To find the velocity of sound at room temperature using Resonance tube.,
(8) To find young's modulus of the material using Searle's Apparatus.
(9) To final the frequency of given tuning fork using sonometer.
(10) To determine the specific heat of a given solid using calorimeter.
(11) To find the coefficient of thermal conductivity using Searle's Apparatus.
(12) Verification of Newton's Law of cooling.

1. To make a paper secale of given least count, e.g. 0.2cm, 0.5cm.
2. To determine a mass of a given body using a metre scale by principle of moments.
3. To study the variation in the range of a jet of water with the angle of projection.
4. To study th conservation of energy of a ball rolling down on inclined plane (using a double inclined plane).
5. To study dissipation of energy of a simple pendulum by plotting a graph between square of amplitude and time.
6. To observe change of state and plot a cooling curve for molten wax.
7. To observe and explain the effect of heating on a bi-metallic strip.
8. To note the change in level of liquid in a container on heating and interpret the observations.
9. To study the effect of detergent on surface tension by observing capillary rise.
10. To study the factors affecting the rate of loss of heat of a liquid.

(1) To determine the difference of frequencies of two tuning forks. with the help of Beats and to recognise the tunning fork of higher frequency.
(2) To find out spring constant of a given spring.
(3) Comperative study of inertial and gravitational mass.
(4) Different uses of ticker timer.
(5) Project releted to merits and demerits of fricton in day today life.

Note :- Project can be prepared on any of the above listed proposal or on any model based on any topic of the syllabus.

Proposed distribution of marks :-
(i) Experiments :                           15 Marks
(ii) Viva voce :                               03 Marks
(iii) Record :                                  03 Marks
(iv) Project work :                        04 Marks
                                         Total : 25 Marks

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