Social Science
(Hindi & English Version) Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks :100
Note :
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Answer Q. No. 1 to 10 in about 30 words each.
(iii) Answer each question from Q. Nos. 11 to 18 in about 50
(iv) Answer each question from Q. Nos. 19 to 24 in about 75
(v) Answer each question of Q. Nos. 25, 26 and 28 in about
120 words.
(vi) Answer each question of Q. Nos. 29 and 30 in about
150 words.
(vii) In Q. No. 27 indicate on the outline map of India as directed.
Attach map with your answer-book.
(viii) Marks allotted to each question are mentioned against
the question.
(ix) Internal options are given in Q. Nos. 17, 18, 23, 24, 27,
28, 29 and 30.
1. Why do the Himalayan rivers flow throughout the year ?2
2. What are the objectives of Multipurpose Projects ? 2
3. What do you mean by Small-scale industries 2
4. What does International Trade mean ? 2
5. What do you mean by 'Green Revolution'? 2
6. Who was Swami Vivekanand ? Which institute did he establish ?2
7.Write two consequences of Victory of Fascism in Italy. 2
8. Explain the 'Right of Constitutional Remedies'. 2
9. Write three elements of Waits. 2
10. Mention the event that compelled Japan for surrender. 2
11. Classify the industries on the basis of Ownership
12. What do you mean by Dependent Population ? 3
13. Write the reasons for the establishment of League of Nations. 3
14. How does an Ordinary Bill become a law ? 3
15. What problems do minorities face ? 3
16. Comment on the incident of Pearl Harbour. 3
17. What do you mean by Question Hour ?
How does the Parliament control the Executive ?3
18. Write the main characteristics of Land.
Write the characteristics of the Entrepreneur. 3
19. How were the Great Himalayas originated ? 4
20. Why is Agriculture called the mainstay of Indian Economy ? 4
21. What was the impact of British Economic Policy on Indian
Industries ? 4
22. Which event has been considered as the beginning of the Second World War ? 4
23. What did British do to establish their empire in Bengal ?
Why is Raja Ram Mohan Roy called the 'father' of Indian
Renaissance " 4
24. What is the importance of political parties in democracy ?
Explain the statement, "Regionalism is an obstacle on the path of
Nationalism." 4
25. What is the importance of Indira Gandhi Canal Project ? 5
26. What are the main principles of Panchsheel ? 5
27. Show the following in the given outline map of India :
(i) Gulf of Kachchh
(ii) Nilgiri Mountain
(iii) River Mahanadi
(iv) Chilka Lake
(v) Thar Desert
Show the following in the given outline map of India :
(i) Gulf of Khambhat
(ii) Malabar Coast
(iii) Chota Nagpur Plateau
(iv) Indira Gandhi Canal
(v) Narmada River 5
28. What do you mean by Planning ? What are its main objectives ?
Write the aim of Eighth Five-year Plan, explaining its perspective. 5
29. The slogan of 'Do or Die' is related to which National Movement ? How far this movement succeeded ?
How was Economic harassment, done by the Britishers, responsible
for the National awakening in India ? 6
30. Compare Evergreen forests and Deciduous forests.
Shillong recieves more rainfall than Kolkata, why ? 6