GEOGRAPHY - 2007 (A)
(Optional) - Arts
Full Marks – 70 Time – 3 Hours
All questions are compulsory.Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.
(i) Question Nos. 1 to 10 each question carries 3 marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in not more than 30 words.
(ii) Question Nos. 11 to 15 each question carries 4 marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in not more than 100 words.
(iii) Question Nos. 16 to 19 each question carries 5 marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in not more than 200 words.
(Very Short-answer type Questions) 3×10=30
2. Explain why the population of the world is growing so fast.
3. What is noise pollution ?
4. What is Information Technology ?
5. What do you mean by bounded Labour ?
6. What is meant by balance of trade ?
7. Why the means of transport called lifelines of a country ?
8. Differentiate between Public Sector and Private Sector industries.
9. What is called Globalisation ?
10. Show the following on the map of world :
(a) Suez and Panama Canal
(b) Madagaskar
(c) Andes Mountain.
(Short-answer type Questions) 4×5=20
12. What is the concept of environment ?
13. Differentiate between transport and communication with examples.
14. Describe the two important ports of India with its hinterland.
15. Describe the main agricultural problems of India.
(Long-answer type Questions) 5×4=20
17. Examine the most important factors influencing the density of population in India.
18. How can the natural resources be conserved ?
19. Show the following on the map of India :
(a) Tamilnadu and Maharashtra States
(b) The Eastern Ghat
(c) Satpura Mountain
(d) Scanty rainfall areas.
Download Hindi Question Paper Class XII 2007
- English X 2008 - 9 (with marking scheme)