Download CBSE Guess Paper Computer Science Class XI (11th) 2009
Class - XI
1. Write a menu driven program using functions
1. To convert an uppercase character in to lower case character(without using library functions)
2. To generate all three digits prime numbers.
3. To find the sum of the individual digits of a number.
2. Write a menu driven program using functions
1. To Display the biggest number among a set of numbers.
2. To input the temperature in Fahrenheit and convert it into Celsius.
3. To input a number and reverse it
3. Write a menu driven program using functions
1. To input the radius of a circle and calculate the area and perimeter.
2. To generate all three digits Armstrong numbers.
3. To display the smallest number among a set of numbers.
4. Write a menu driven program using functions
1. To input the temperature in Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit.
2. To input a number and display whether the number is a prime number or not.
3. To input a number and check whether the number is a palindrome or not.
5. Write a menu driven program using functions
1. to input a number and display the factorial of that number.
2. To find the sum of the following series.
S= X - X 2 +X 3 –X 4 + . . . . . . ± X n
3. To input a number and display whether the number is an Armstrong number or not.
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