CBSE Guess Paper 2009
Informatics Practices
Class XII
(i) All questions are compulsory. .
(ii) Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.
Section – A
1. Answer the following Questions :
a) What is information system? Write different types of information system? 2
b) What do you mean by Three Tier System? 2
c) What is shareware? How is it different from freeware? 2
d) Define – (i) Freeware ii) Shareware iii) OpenSource iv) Tomcat 2
e) What is the purpose of Data Mining? 2
2. Answer the following questions:
a) What is variable lifetime? Which variable has longest lifetime? 2
b) “Oracle Database is an example of an RDBMS” Justify this statement . 2
c) What is the extension of a module file and code file in VB. 2
d) Explain the following terms: 2
i) Startup Form ii) Load Statement iii) Show Method iv) Event
e) Explain the term Data Provider and Data Control. 2
3. Answer the following Questions :
(a) Write any two advantages PL/SQL over SQL. 2
(b) Define database Transaction. What is the role of SavePoint in database transaction? 2
(c) “Visual Basic is not an Object Oriented Language” Justify this statement. 2
(d) What is trigger? Name the statements for which triggers are executed. 2
(e) Write the differences between DDL and DML. 2
4. Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow.
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