Series OSS Code No. 83
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 30
Instructions : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is Thabal Chongbi ? When and by whom is it performed ? 5
2. Who is Guru Singhajit Singh ? What is his contribution to Manipuri Dance ? 5
Who is Guru Bipin Singh ? What is his contribution to Manipuri dance ?
3. What are the main subjects covered in Abhinaya Darpan ? 5
Narrate how dance originated according to Abhinaya Darpana.
4. Explain the difference between Natyadharmi and Lokadharmi. 5
Explain the difference between Angikabhinaya and Vachikabhinaya.
5. Write the sequence of Nitya Raas.
What kind of dance is found in Manipuri Sankirtana ? How different from the dances in Raas Leela ?
6. Describe the costume of a Gopi in Raas Leela.