CBSE Meal Planning And Service Theory Paper 2 Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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series OSS                                                                                                                          Code No. 156

                                                                        MEAL PLANNING & SERVICE

                                                                               (Theory) Paper II
Time allowed : 2 hours                                                                                             Maximum Marks: 30

Instructions :
Attempt all questions.

1. Why is it important to precost the menu ? Explain how it is done.    3


2. Sunita wants to do pre-preparation of various vegetables to be used in different dishes in her food production unit. Give her three suggestions for this pre-preparation.    3


3. Differentiate between A’la carte menu and Table d’hote menu. Prepare a three-course continental table d’hote menu for dinner.    2+2=4


4. Enumerate two advantages and two disadvantages of frying as a method of cooking.    4


5. List any four characteristics of napkins used in food service units. Illustrate with suitable diagrams, any one method of napkin folding.    5


6. Explain the importance of consuming a balanced meal. Plan a balanced meal for a preschooler to be consumed during lunch time.

7. What do you understand by ‘waiter service’ ? Give any four duties of a waiter before the guests arrive.    6