CBSE Milk Production, Transport And Milk Cooperatives Theory Paper – 2 Question Paper Class 12th (2010)

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Series OSS                                                                                                                       Code No. 120

                                                 MILK PRODUCTION, TRANSPORT AND MILK COOPERATIVES
                                                                              (Theory) Paper II
Time allowed : 2 hours                                                                                        Maximum Marks : 30

Instructions : Attempt all questions.

1. (a) Draw a cross-section of udder and label its parts.
    (b) Complete the sentences with appropriate worlds
(i) Milk synthesis takes place in the where the milk secreting cells in the mammary gland are provided with a continuous supply of nutrients.
(ii) About litres of blood has to flow through the udder to produce one litre of milk.
    (c) Explain the steps or process of milk letdown.


2. (a) What is the principle of machine milking ?
    (b) Name three methods of hand milking. Explain the methodology of any one.
    (c) What are the characteristics of Clean Milk


3. (a) What are the principle constituents of milk ?
    (b) What is the difference between cow and buffalo milk ?
    (c) A milk containing 3.5% fat, 4.6% lactose and 4% protein will supply calories of energy per 100 gm of milk.
    (d) Identify any two managemental factors affecting the fat content of the milk and explain its effects on milk fat content.


4. (a) Enlist the different methods of chilling milk at a farm.
    (b) Define homogenization of milk. What are its advantages and disadvantages ?
    (c) Draw a flow chart indicating stages of operation for processing of market milk.


5. (a) Name any four milk packaging materials.
    (b) Draw a flow chart of steps involved in packaging of milk in a pouch.
    (c) List out the advantages and disadvantages of bottles as the milk packaging material.


6. (a) Classify the different types of spoilage of !milk based on the organisms involved and the signs of spoilage,    2
    (b) Enlist  the  four  basic  principles  of co-op4ration. Specify the functions of Village level Society.    4