Series OSS Code No. 85
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks :30
Instructions : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the evolution of Mohiniyattam from past to present. 6
2. Give six points that differentiate Mohiniyattam from Krishnattam.
Give six points that differentiate Mohiniyattam from Kathakali. 6
3. Highlight the main features of dance as mentioned in Abhinaya Darpana. 6
4. Compare any three of the following : 2x3=6
(a) Tandava and Lasya
(b) Tala and Laya
(c) Rasa and Bhava
(d) Nritta and Nritya
5. How many Asamyuta Hastas are there in Mohinyattam ? Give two vinyasas or varieties of any four Asamyuta hastas. 2+4=6