Series OSS Code No. 80
MUSIC HINDUSTANI (Instrumental Melodic)
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 30
Instructions : Attempt all questions, and all questions carry equal marks.
1. Give the contribution of V.N. Bhatkhande to Indian Classical Music.
Describe in brief the contents of Sangeet Ratnakar.
2. Write the Notation of a Vilambit or Drut Gat in any one Raga from your syllabus.
3. Give a brief outline of ‘Tansen’s’ life history and his contribution to Indian Classical Music.
4. Discuss about the Classification of Ragas.
Explain the following terms
Varna, Alankar, Gamak
5. Describe your Instrument and give it’s technique of playing.
Recognize the following Ragas and write their Aroh, Avroh and Pakad :
(i) S
M , P M P ,
R S ---