CBSE Sample Paper Informatics Practice Class – XII (2010) [Set-2]

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CBSE Sample Paper

Class – XII

Subject – Informatics Practice

MM: 70                                                                                                      TIME: 3hrs

Note: (i). This question paper is divided into 3 sections

          (ii). Section A consists of 30 Marks.

         (iii). Section B and Section C are of 20 marks.

         (iv). Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.


Q.1) Answer the following questions:

a) What is Normalization? Which problem is resolved in 3rd Normal form?                         2

b) What is the output of the following program:                                                               2
     Dim a, n, sum as Integer
           a = 1
      Do While (a <= 3)
        n = 5
           While (n >= 1)
            sum = sum+n Mod 2
            n = n - 1
      a = a + 1
   Print sum

c) Write a VB program to bind the sum of the series: 1-2+3-4+5-…up to n.                        2

d) Write characteristics of MDI Child Form.                                                                        2

e) Explain IIF() function with the help of an example.                                                       2

Q.2) Answer the following questions:

a) What is TCP/IP?                                                                                                              2

b) Differentiate between Decision Control and Looping Control Structure in context with PL/SQL.                      2

c) Explain the terms front end and back end technology with one example each.            2

d) Expand the terms ER , UML.                                                                                           2

e) How do you specify comments in Visual do you break a long line of code to a new line.                   2

Q.3) Answer the following questions:

a) Differentiate between local and stored procedure with example of each.                     2

b) Explain the usage of %ROWTYPE attribute with the help of an example.                      2

c) Write one point of difference between a freeware and free software. What is the purpose of Data Mining?       2

d) Explain with diagram ADO Object Model and write the name of various objects of ADO.                                    2

e) What is bound control? Write main two properties that are necessary for database control connection.            2


Q 4. Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow.

Manager of Modern Electronics has developed a form for finding out Total amount to be paid by customers. The 3 payment mode has been given. If a customer buys an item in Cash, 10% discount is given, if payment mode is Credit Card, 5% discount is given otherwise no discount given to customers. If customer wants home delivery, extra charge to be paid as follows-

Distance Home Delivery Charge
0 – 5 Km. Rs.200
6 – 10 Km Rs.500
11 – 15 Km. Rs. 800
Object Type Object Name Description
Form FrmMElectronics Main Form
Combo Box cmbProduct To select product purchased
  cmbCompany To select company of product
Text Box txtQuantity To enter quantity
  txtPrice To enter price
  txtTotalPayable To display total payable amount
  txtDistance To enter distance for home delivery
Option Button optCash To select payment mode for cash
  optCreditCard To select payment mode for Credit Card
  optDebitCard To select payment mode for Debit Card
Check Box chkHomeDeliv To select for home delivery
Command Button cmdCalcAmt To calculate payable amount
  cmdClear To clear the entered values
  cmdExit To quit form application

a) Initially payment mode should be set to Cash, TxtTotalPayable should be disabled and txtDistance should be invisible.                    2
b) If user selects Home Delivery check box, txtDistance should be made available (below the home delivery check box) to enter distance for home delivery.                2
c) Text boxes for Quantity and Price should take only numeric data. Write code for text box txtQuantity.                        2
d) When the user clicks the CmdCalcAmt button, the total payable amount should be calculated and displayed in the txtTotalPayable text box.                         2
e) Write the code for CmdExit button to stop the application and  CmdClear command button to clear all the text boxes, option buttons and check boxes. Also cursor should point on cmbProduct combo box.                          2

Q.5) Answer the following questions:

a)    Write the output produced by the following part of code in PL/SQL.                                     2
                  Total NUMBER:=0;
           FOR I IN 1..10  LOOP
                Total :=total + MOD(I+3,3);
                IF TOTAL>5 THEN
                END IF;
          END LOOP;

b) Find Error in the following code, underline errors and rewrite the correct code.                           2
           CTR NUMBER;
            SUMK NUMBER;
                  PRINT (TO_CHAR(SUMK));
                  IF CTR>2 THEN
             END LOOP;

c) Differentiate between disabling and dropping trigger with example.                                              2

d) What is ADO control? What are DSN & ODBC? Write connection code for connecting Oracle Database with VB6.0 application using ADODB and DSN ness connectivity.         4


Q.6) Answer the following questions:

a) Find the errors of the following code segment.                                               2

create or replace procedure area_circle(radius real)
area real;
    area  = 22/7 x  radius x radius
    print ('The area is = ',  area);

b) Find the output produced by the following PL/SQL code–                               2

Y :=15;
FOR X IN 11..15
      if x>15 then
  dbms_output.put_line (y);
  dbms_output.put_line (x); 
       end if ;
y := y-1;
end loop;

c)    Write the query for the following –                                                                2
          i)    to display all the procedures and functions you have created.
         ii)    to view the source code of the procedure.

d)   Write a PL-SQL script that uses cursor FOR loop that determines the top five highest paid employees from EMP table. Be sure to incorporate the usage of the appropriate
       cursor attributes. Print these five employees details on the  screen.                                        4

Q.7) Answer the following questions:

a)How many times the following message will be printed:            2
    Private Sub cmdclickme_click ( )
    For I = 1 To 3
    For J = 1 To 3 step -1
        Msgbox (“It is a message box”)
    Next I
    Next J
    End Sub

b) What are the various ways of creating variable that can be used in Pl/SQL? Write an anonymous code block that adds all the natural numbers within a given range, the range is to be set using substitution variables.                                                   4


     What are PL/SQL blocks? How many types of PL/SQL block definition exist? Explain with suitable examples.

c) Differentiate between a ADODB project reference and ADO DC in a form using suitable Example.                           4


   Write short notes on any two of the following:

         i) Data Warehouse                               ii) UML                

        iii) Client-Server Computing               iv) Changeover Procedure