CBSE Sample Paper 2009
Computer Science
Class XI
- What stylistic guidelines may be followed to design a good program ?
- What do you mean by syntax error? Mention any 2 syntax errors occurring in any cpp program
- Give different stages of program development ?
- Why are logical errors harder to locate ?
Q2. Write a menu driven program using functions
1. To convert an uppercase character in to lower case character(without using library functions)
2. To generate all three digits prime numbers.
3. To find the sum of the individual digits of a number.
Q3. Write a program to evaluate the factorial of a number ?
- List the variations of the While loop?
- Explain the use of postfixand then change the value?
- What is type conversion ?
Q4. Write a menu driven program using functions
1. To input the temperature in Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit.
2. To input a number and display whether the number is a prime number or not.
3. To input a number and check whether the number is a palindrome or not.
- What does following function prototype means
a) void findsum(int &,int)
b) int value(int x,int y, int r=5);
- What output does following code fragment produce:
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- English General (2)