CBSE Sample Paper
English Lang. & Literature
Class X
Q1. Read the following passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Plant tissue culture (PTC) is the art and science of multiplying plants or plant parts (such as organs, tissues, cells, pollens, spores and embryos ) under controlled conditions of light, temperature or humidity in an optimal nutrient medium under aseptic conditions in a glass vessel..
Even a single cell has the potency to perform all the metabolic activities to form an independent plant. This phenomenon is known as totipotency. This is successfully used in tissue culture. Infinite number of plants can be produced from single explant in a short span of time, irrespective of natural conditions. The seedlings will be genetically true copies of the mother plant. That means , genetic purity can be maintained as far as required, in every seedling, which is almost impossible in conventional means of propagation.
PTC has been successfully tried in almost all plant varieties. Some plants like orchids produce millions of non-endospermous seeds in a single fruit, which cannot be cultivated in natural conditions. When grown through PTC, they have more than 75% germination. In the medium in which plants are cultivated all the required micro and macro nutrients and vitamins are added. PTC has been commercialised and is a lucrative business.
a) Name the different parts of a plant mentioned here . 1
b) What is totipotency ? 2
c) What is the advantage of totipotency ? 2
d) What are the true copies of mother plant referred here ? 1
e) What is produced by orchid plants ? 1
f) What is plant tissue culture ? 2
g) What happens when orchid plants are grown through PTC ? 1
h) Find the words from the passage which mean 2 x 1 = 2
i) making a large profit
ii) growth
Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
What is a snake ? A snake is a reptile without legs. A reptile usually has scales, lays eggs, breathes air and doesn’t spend much time taking care of its babies. It is also cold-blooded, which means that its body doesn’t stay in the same temperature all the time. Snakes get very cold on winter days and very hot in the summer. Because of this, snakes usually stay in burrows during very hot and cold weather. A burrow is a hole in the ground where they can live.
All snakes are carnivores or meat-eaters. Small snakes eat bugs and frogs. Longer ones eat fish, birds, mice and rabbits. They use sharp teeth and strong muscles to catch the prey. If the prey animal is bigger than its mouth, the snake can dislocate(unhinge) its bottom jaw to fit the big animal in.
Venom is the poison that snake put into its prey through its fangs(teeth). This either kills the prey animal or make it paralysed so that the prey can’t move. Once venom gets into the prey, it is easy for the snake to eat it. Some venomous snakes have bright colours or patterns which can warn us. Rattle snakes have rattles to scare away animals or people that might hurt them.
a) Why do snakes usually stay in burrows during very hot and cold weather ? 2
b) How do the snakes use their venom ? 2
c) What is meant by ‘cold-blooded’ ? 1
d) What do you mean by ‘carnivores’ ? 1
e) How does a snake catch the prey bigger than its mouth ? 1
f) Find a word from the passage which means ‘frighten or become frightened’1
Q3. You are Kiran / Kirmayi of Gandhi of Gandhi Park, Andhra Pradesh. Write a letter to the Govt of A.P. complaining to him about the lack of facilities malfunctioning of the Government Hospital in your area. 8
Write a letter to the Commissioner of Chennai Corporation, complaining about the poor sanitary conditions and mosquito-menace in your locality.
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