CBSE Sample Paper 2009
Informatics Practices
Class XI
Q1. Answer the following questions:-
1. What do you understand by Secondary storage devices? Explain with the help of Example. 2
2. Compare Application and System Software. 2
3. Explain the Analog, Digital and Hybrid computers. 2
4. Explain Management Information System and Transaction Processing System. 2
5. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter. 2
Q2. There are 5 multiple choice questions. Only one of the options in every question is correct. 3
i. Which of the following is not hardware:
(a) CPU (b) Printer (c) Assembler (d)None of these
ii. The topmost bar in any application window which display the name of the document or application.
(a)Menu bar (b)Status bar (c) Tool bar (d)Title bar
iii. Which of the following is not a function of Operating System :
(a)Resource Allocation(b)Program Execution(c) Error Correction(d)Manipulation of file System
iv. Which of the following is a smallest unit of memory :
(a)BYTE (b)TB (c) KB (d)BIT
v. Which of the following is not a permanent memory :
vi. Which of the following is a Output Device:
(a) RAM (b)VDU (c) KEYBOARD (d) CPU
Q3. Consider the following tables Employee and salary. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii)
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