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1. Which of the following is not a Lewis acid? |
A. BF3 |
B. AlCl3 |
C. SnCl4 |
D. CCl4 |
2. Equal weights of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 25°C. The fraction of total pressure exerted by oxygen is |
A. 1/2 |
B. 1/3 |
C. 2/3 |
D. 1/3 x (273/298) |
3. HI was heated in a sealed tube at 440oC till the equilibrium was reached. HI was found to be 22% decomposed. The equilibrium constant for dissociation is |
A. 0.282 |
B. 1.99 |
C. 0.0199 |
D. 0.0796 |
4. The molar heat of vaporisation D Hvap for water is 2079 cal mol -1, therefore, molar heat of condensation of water is |
A. + 2079 cal mol -1 |
B. - 2079 cal mol -1 |
C. greater than 2079 cal mol -1 |
D. smaller than 2079 cal mol -1 |
5. Which of the following is an insulator? |
A. Diamond |
B. Graphite |
C. Aluminium |
D. Silicon |
6. The purest coal is |
A. Anthracite |
B. Bituminous |
C. Peat |
D. Lignite |
7. Among N 3-, O 2-, F -, and Na+, which one has largest size? |
A. N 3- |
B. O 2- |
C. F - |
D. Na+ |
8. Ni, Pt, Pd belong to which group of the periodic table? |
A. 12th |
B. 14th |
C. 8th |
D. 10th |
9. A mixture of 200 ml of dry hydrogen and oxygen in equal proportion at STP is exploded in an audiometer. What will be the nature of components in the audiometer immediately after the explosion? |
A. 50 ml of steam only |
B. 50 ml of steam and 50 ml of hydrogen |
C. 50 ml of steam and 50 ml of oxygen |
D. 100 ml of steam and 50 ml of oxygen |
10. If 9.8 gm of hexane bums completely in oxygen, how many moles of CO2 is produced? |
A. 6 |
B. 0.6 |
C. 0.9 |
D. 1.2 |
11. Which one of the following nitrates does not give NO2 on heating? |
A. NaNO3 |
B. Pb(NO3)2 |
C. AgNO3 |
D. Cu(NO3)2 |
12. Which has lowest 1st I.P.? |
A. N |
B. Be |
C. B |
D. C |
13. The oxidation states of phosphorus vary from |
A. - 3 to + 5 |
B. - 1 to + 1 |
C. - 3 to + 3 |
D. - 5 to + 1 |
14. The molecular velocity of any gas is |
A. proportional to the absolute temperature |
B. proportional to the square of the absolute temperature |
C. proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature |
D. independent of the absolute temperature |
15. Which of the following is an endothermic reaction? |
A. 2H2 + O2 ® 2H2O |
B. N2O2 ® 2NO |
C. 2NaOH + H2SO4 ® Na2SO4 +2H2O |
D. C2H5OH + 3O2 ® 2CO2 + 3H2O |
16. A solution of sodium sulphate in water is electrolysed between inert electrodes. The product at the cathode and anode are respectively |
A. H2, O2 |
B. O2, H2 |
C. H2, Na |
D. O2, SO2 |
17. Bauxite mineral containing iron as impurity is purified by |
A. Baeyer’s process |
B. Electrolytic process |
C. Hoope's process |
D. Serpeck's process |
18. Butter of tin is represented by |
A. SnCl2.3H2O |
B. SnCl2.5H2O |
C. SnCl2.6H2O |
D. SnCl2.8H2O |
19. Which group activates the benzene ring towards electrophilic substitution? |
A. bezo group |
B. amino group |
C. acetyl group |
D. carbyl group |
20. Phenol is less acidic than |
A. ethanol |
B. propenol |
C. p-nitrophenol |
D. none of the above |
21. When oxalic acid crystals are heated with phosphorus pentaoxide, we get |
A. vapours of phosphorus trioxide |
B. carbon monoxide |
C. carbon dioxide and water vapours |
D. carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide |
22. When very dilute nitric acid acts on magnesium, it gives rise to |
A. ammonia |
B. nitrous oxide |
C. hydrogen |
D. nitric oxide |
23. The general formula for alkene is |
A. CnH2n + 2 |
B. CnH2n - 2 |
C. CnH2n |
D. CnHn |
24. The coloured discharge tubes for advertisements contain |
A. Argon |
B. Xenon |
C. Helium |
D. Neon |
25. While preparing Cl2 from HCl, MnO2 acts as a/an |
A. dehydrating agent |
B. reducing agent |
C. catalytic agent |
D. oxidising agent |
26. When a bee bites, it injects mainly |
A. formic acid |
B. acetic acid |
C. carbonic acid |
D. hydrochloric acid |
27. Most stable valence state of Mn in its salts is |
A. 2 |
B. 5 |
C. 3 |
D. 7 |
28. The polarity is maximum in |
A. N-F |
B. C-F |
C. O-F |
D. F-F |
29. Which of the following is used in radio carbon dating? |
A. C12 |
B. C11 |
C. C13 |
D. C14 |
30. If one starts with 1 curie of radioactive substance (T1/2 = 12 hr), the activity left after a period of 1week will be about |
A. 1 curie |
B. 120 microcurie |
C. 60 microcurie |
D. 8 millicurie |
31. The number of d-electrons in [Cr (H2O6)]3+ ion (Atomic no. of Cr = 24) is |
A. 2 |
B. 3 |
C. 4 |
D. 5 |
32. The pyrites are heated with hydrochloric acid. The solution so obtained will give blood red colour with |
A. K4Fe(CN)6 |
B. KCN |
C. K3Fe(CN)6 |
33. Which of the following structures is most likely for XeOF4? |
A. Tetrahedral |
B. Square pyramidal |
C. Square planar |
D. Octahedral |
34. The harmonic connected with growth of animal is |
A. Pepsin |
B. Ptylin |
C. Thyroxine |
D. Renin |
35. The correct order of increasing oxidising power is |
A. F2 < Cl2 < Br2 < I2 |
B. F2 < Br2 < Cl2 < I2 |
C. Cl2 < Br2 < F2 < I2 |
D. I2 < Br2 < Cl2 < F2 |
36. Nitrates of all metals are |
A. unstable |
B. stable |
C. coloured |
D. soluble |
37. Bromination of aniline will give |
A. 2, 3, 4 trinitrophenol |
B. 2, 4, 6 tribromoaniline |
C. 1, 3, 5-tribromoaniline |
D. 2, 3, 5-tribromoaniline |
38. Acetamide is treated separately with the following reagents. Which of them would give methylamine? |
A. PCl5 |
B. NaOH/Br2 |
C. Sodalime |
D. Hot conc. H2SO4 |
39. Acetic acid exists as a dimmer in benzene due to |
A. condensation reaction |
B. hydrogen bonding |
C. presence of carbonyl group |
D. presence of H-atom and a -carbon atom |
40. There is no s-s bond in |
A. S2O42 - |
B. S2O52 - |
C. S2O52 - |
D. S2O62 - |
41. Which one of the following statements shows the difference between ketone and ether? |
A. Ether contains N, P but ketone does not contain N, P |
B. Ether reacts with phenyl-hydrazine but ketone does not |
C. Ketone does not give acetylation but ether does |
D. None of these |
42. Dry distillation of calcium acetate yields |
A. acetaldehyde |
B. formaldehyde |
C. acetone |
D. ethane |
43. Phenol under vigorous nitration condition, i.e., treating with conc. HNO3 and conc. H2SO4 will give |
A. 1, 2, 3-trinitrophenol |
B. Diethylbenzene |
C. Aniline |
D. 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol |
44. The reaction of C2H5MgCl with acetaldehyde on acidification yields |
A. an aldehyde |
B. a ketone |
C. a primary alcohol |
D. a secondary alcohol |
45. For an exothermic reaction, temperature increases by 10oC; then how will the equilibrium be attained faster? |
A. 2 times |
B. same |
C. 1/2times |
D. 4 times |
46. A catalyst increases the rate of reaction as |
A. reacting substances are brought into higher specific relation with each other |
B. energy is added to the system |
C. molecules of the reactants are speeded up so that random encounters are more |
D. product of the reaction are removed simultaneously |
47. What weight of K2Cr2O7 would be required to produce 100 ml of 0.1 N K2Cr2O7 solution? (Eq. Wt. of K2Cr2O7 = 49) |
A. 0.049 gm |
B. 4.9 gm |
C. 0.49 gm |
D. 0.0049 gm |
48. Molecular O2 contains two unpaired electrons. They are |
A. p * and s |
B. s * and p |
C. s * and p * |
D. p * and p * |
49. In the addition of HBr to propene in the absence of peroxides, the first step involves the addition of |
A. H+ |
B. Br – |
C. Ho |
D. Bro |
50. The number of sigma bond in toluene is |
A. 12 |
B. 18 |
C. 15 |
D. 9 |
51. It is possible to distinguish between optical isomers by |
A. infra-red spectroscopy |
B. mass spectrometry |
C. melting point determination |
D. polarimetry |
52. Organic Compounds of carbon and hydrogen and with a general formula CnH2n are called |
A. alkanes |
B. alkenes |
C. alkynes |
D. olefines |
53. Electrolysis of CH3COOK will give |
A. methane |
B. ethene |
C. ethane |
D. manganese |
54. Coinage metals are present in |
A. s-block |
B. d-block |
C. p-block |
D. f-block |
55. The most commonly used silver salt in photography is |
A. AgNO3 |
B. AgCl |
C. AgBr |
D. Ag2O3 |
56. Besides iron, essential component of steel is |
A. cobalt |
B. chromium |
C. copper |
D. manganese |
57. An important mineral for magnesium is |
A. malachite |
B. cassiterite |
C. carnalite |
D. galena |
58. If a reaction takes place like H3BO3 + NaOH ® X + H2O, then X will be |
A. Na2BO3 |
B. NaBO2 |
C. Na3BO3 |
D. none of these |
59. Which of the following nitrate evolves laughing gas on heating? |
A. KNO3 |
B. Pb(NO3)2 |
C. NH4NO3 |
D. AgNO3 |
60. Nitrogen (I) oxide is produced by |
A. thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate |
B. disproportion of ammonium N2O4 |
C. thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrite |
D. interaction of hydroxylamine with nitrous acid |
61. Inertness of N2 gas is due to |
A. no vacant d orbital |
B. high dissociation energy |
C. high electronegativity |
D. none of these |
62. In reaction of H2O2 and alkaline K3Fe(CN)6, H2O2 acts as a/an |
A. acid |
B. base |
C. oxidant |
D. reductant |
63. Which of these contains only an electron and a proton? |
A. Helium |
B. Deuterium |
C. Hydrogen |
D. Tritium |
64. For reaction N2 (g) + O2 (g) ® 2NO (g), D H = + 1812, then |
A. D E = D H |
B. D E > D H |
C. D E < D H |
D. none of these |
65. What will be the IUPAC name of CH2 = CHCH2Cl? |
A. 1-chlorotripropene |
B. 3-chloro-1-propene |
C. Methylchloroethene |
D. 1-chloro-2-methylethene |
66. Which of the following statements is/are wrong? |
A.All hydrocarbons containing 6 carbon atoms are aromatic |
B. There is no organic compound except bromine which contains 6 C atoms and is known as aromatic compound |
C. Hydrocarbon contains C, H, N, P, etc. |
D. All of the above |
67. Which of the following is the hardest substance? |
A. Steel |
B. Graphite |
C. Silicon |
D. Diamond |
68. Hydrogen gas has |
A. covalent bonding |
B. ionic bonding |
C. metallic bonding |
D. Vander Wall’s force |
69. The momentum associated with a photon of frequency v is |
A. hv/c |
B. hc/v |
C. uc/h |
D. h/uc |
70. Slag is an easily fusible material formed by the reaction between |
A. ore and the flux |
B. ore and reducing agent |
C. impurities present and the flux |
D. none of these |
71. (C6H5NH2 + COCl2 + [A] ® C6H5NH.CO.NHC6H5). The compound [A] is |
A. (C6H5)2NH |
B. C6H5NH2 |
C. (CH3)3N |
D. (C6H5)3N |
72. In which molecule, the distance between the two adjacent carbon a1kanes is largest? |
A. Ethane |
B. Ethene |
C. Ethyne |
D. Benzene |
73. Baeyer's reagent is |
A. alkaline permanganate solution |
B. acidified permanganate solution |
C. neutral permanganate solution |
D. aqueous bromine solution |
74. The hybridisation of carbon atom in C-C single bond of HC º C – CH = CH2 is |
A. sp3-sp3 |
B. sp2-sp3 |
C. sp-sp2 |
D. sp3-sp |
75. Iron is in + 2 oxidation state in |
A. K4[Fe(CN)6] |
B. K3[Fe(CN)6] |
C. Na2[Fe(NO)2CN)5] |
D. [Fe(OH)2]+ |
76. Transition metals |
A. exhibit dia magnetism |
B. do not form alloys |
C. undergo inert pair effect |
D. show variable oxidation state |
77. Ozone can be easily detected by the use of |
A. silver |
B. silver chloride |
C. mercury |
D. hydrogen peroxide |
78. Oxygen molecule exhibits |
A. paramagnetism |
B. bleaching powder |
C. potassium permanganate |
D. sodium peroxide |
79. Which of the following phosphorus oxyacids is reducing in character? |
A. H3PO3 |
B. H3PO4 |
C. H4P2O6 |
D. H4P2O7 |
80. Which one of the following is dibasic acid? |
A. Phosphorous acid |
B. Hypophosphorous acid |
C. Phosphoric acid |
D. Hypophosphoric acid |
81. A solution was prepared by mixing 50 ml of 0.2 M HCl and 50 ml of 0.10 M NaOH. The pH of the solution is |
A. 7.0 |
B. 2.0 |
C. 3.0 |
D. 1.2 |
82. Which dye among the following is a vat dye? |
A. Martins yellow |
B. Alizarin |
C. Indigo |
D. Malachite green |
83. The path of a beam of light through smoke is visible because |
A. carbon dioxide in the smoke scatters light |
B. carbon dioxide in the smoke absorbs light |
C. colloidal particles in the smoke absorb light |
D. colloidal particles in the smoke scatter light |
84. Which of the following statements is incorrect? |
A. Colloidal particles pass through the pores of filter paper |
B. Colloidal particles have large surface area |
C. Colloidal particles are charged particles |
D. Colloidal particles are neutral |
85. The plastic household crockery is prepared using |
A. malamine and tetrafluoroethene |
B. malonic acid and hexamethyleneamine |
C. malamine and vinyl acetate |
D. malamine and formaldehyde |
86. An isotope is formed when successive active emissions of an element are |
A. a .b , a |
B. b .b , a |
C. b .b , b |
D. a .a , b |
87. It is not true that |
A. the wavelength associated with an electron is longer than that of proton, if they have the same speed |
B. violet radiations have longer wavelength than red radiations |
C. the energy of light with l = 600 Nm is lower than that with l = 500 Nm |
D. spectrum of an atom is known as line spectrum |
88. It is true that |
A. some complex metal oxides behave as super-conductors |
B. zinc oxide can act as a super-conductor |
C. an impurity of tetravalent germanium in trivalent gallium creates electron deficient |
D. a Frenkel defect is formed when an ion is displaced from its lattice site to an interstitial site |
89. Allyl cyanide has |
A. 9s and 4p bonds |
B. 9s , 3p and 2 non-bonding electrons |
C. 8s , 3p and 4 non-bonding electrons |
D. 8s and 5p bonds |
90. The chemical change in the reaction CH2COCH3 + HCHO ® CH2COCH2CH2 is an example of |
A. oxidation reduction |
B. disproportionation |
C. aldol addition |
D. none of the above |
91. A fairly specific test for phenol is |
A. coupling with diazonium salt |
B. decolourisation of bromine water |
C. dissolution in aqueous alkali |
D. decolourisation of KMnO4 |
92. The elevation in the boiling point would be highest for |
A. 0.08 M barium chloride |
B. 0.10 M glucose |
C. 0.15 M potassium chloride |
D. 0.06 M calcium nitrate |
93. A 0.2 molal aqueous solution of weak acid (HX) is 20% ionised. The freezing point of this solution is (Given Kf = 1.86°C m-1 for water) |
A. - 0.45°C |
B. - 0.53°C |
C. - 0.90°C |
D. - 0.31°C |
94. 6.0 g of urea (molecular weight = 60) was dissolved in 9.9 moles of water. If the vapour pressure of pure water is Po, the vapour pressure of solution is |
A. 0.10 Po |
B. 1.10 Po |
C. 0.90 Po |
D. 0.99 Po |
95. A molecule with the highest bond energy is |
A. bromine |
B. fluorine |
C. chlorine |
D. iodine |
96. A substance is found to contain 7% nitrogen. The minimum molecular weight of it is |
A. 700 |
B. 100 |
C. 200 |
D. 70 |
97. Sodium nitroprusside when added to an alkaline solution of sulphide ions produces purple coloration due to the formation of |
A. Na [Fe(H2O)5NOS] |
B. Na4 [Fe(CN)5NOS] |
C. Na3 [Fe(CN)5NOS] |
D. Na4 [Fe(H2O)5NOS] |
98. The bond energy (k cal mol -l) of carbon-carbon bond in ethylene is approximately equal to |
A. 59 |
B.100 |
C. 33 |
D. 150 |
99. Which of the following molecule is planar? |
A. n-hexane |
B. glycerine |
C. cyclohexane |
D. fumaric acid |
100. A mixture of butane, ethylene and dimethyl acetylene is passed through acidified permanganate solution. The gas that comes out is |
A. butane |
B. a mixture of butane and ethylene |
C. methyl acetylene |
D. a mixture of all compounds |
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C |
A |
- Business Studies Paper-1 (2009)