Download CBSE Computer Science Sample Paper Class XI (11th) 2007
Sample Paper Computer science
Class: XI
Time Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
All Questions are Compulsory.
I. 1. Name different types of digital computers based on their size and performance. [1]
2. What is system software? [1]
3. Explain first come first served (FCFS) scheduling. [2]
4. Explain multiprocessing operating system. [2]
(Total: 6M)
II. 1. Differentiate between syntax error and semantics error. Give example for each. [2]
2. What do you mean by robustness of a program? What is guard code? [2]
3. What is a base class? What is a derived class? How are these two interrelated? [3]
4. Explain:
a.) Encapsulation
b.) Transitive nature of inheritance
c.) portability [3]
(Total: 10M)
III. 1. Convert the following binary number to decimal:
a) 101.1001
b) 11101.111
2. Convert the following octal values to decimal
a) 1204.3 b) 743
3. Convert the following decimal values to hexadecimal:
a) 314.21 b) 2048
4. Convert the following decimal values to binary:
a) 57.31 b) 29.2
5. Convert the following binary number to hexadecimal:
a) 1010110110111
b) 10110111011011 (1M X 5 =5M)
6. Differentiate between:
a) RAM and ROM
b) impact printer and non impact printer. [4]
7. What is a port? [1]
(Total: 10M)
IV. 1. Determine then output if the input is:
( a ) 2000 ( b ) 1900 ( c ) 1971
void main( )
int year;
if ( year%100 = =0)
if ( year % 400 = =0)
cout<< “LEAP”;
cout<< “not century year”;
} [3]
2. Write a short program that subtracts two matrices A [4][4] and B [4][4]. [3]
3. Determine the output for the following code fragment if the input is: “new york”
void main( )
char city [35];
cout<< “enter city name
cout<< “you entered” << city<<endl;
Enter the same city name again
cin.getline(city, 35);
cout<< “this time you entered <<city<<endl;
} [2]
4. Name the header files to which the following built-in functions belong:
a) write( ) b) getch( ) c) gets( ) d) strlen( ) [2]
5. Write two benefits of header file. [2]
(Total: 12M)
V. 1. Determine the total bytes required to store the following array:
a) int marks[5][3] b) char name[20]
2. Write a short program to print the following series:
3 6 9 12………….33.
3. Write a flowchart to find smallest of three numbers.
4. Write the function prototypes for the following:
a) Average ( ) take two arguments of type integer and return a float value.
b) Sum ( ) takes an int array and an int value and returns a long result.
5. What is an array and how many types of arrays are there?
6. Explain event driven programming. (2M X 6=12M)
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