Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
SECTION A (1 marks each)
1. Why sickle celled anemia is called a molecular disease?
2. Give one characteristics feature of type-II restriction enzyme.
3. Name any two molecular markers.
4. What kind of data can be accessed from the data retrieval tool called
Taxonomic browser?
5. Give the term which can be used for the organ grafts transferred
between a donor & a recipient.
SECTION B ( 2 marks each)
6. Give the advantage and disadvantage of serum containing media.
7. What are the factors governing the stability of karyotype?
8. From a given group of crop plants how will you diagnose the
diseased plants? Explain any one technique.
9. From the given table determine which organism has maximum
doubling time and why?
Microorganisms specific growth
rate (h)
Aspergillus nidulans 0.36
Penicillium chrysogenum 0.12
Benechean atriegans 4.24
Methylomonas methenolytica 0.12
10. Name the device commonly used for continuous culture technique.
Name the two factors that control the working of a chemostat.
11. Expand the term BLAST .Give the common use of the following
programmers (i) BLASTp (ii)TBLASTn.
12. Which vectors are used in human genome sequencing & why?
13. Explain the blue white method of screening the recombinant
14. A single cell of E.coli is supposed to produce about 2000 different
15. under optimum conditions. One of the desired intercellular enzymes
produced is in the form of 2500 molecules/cells. If the molecular
weight of that enzyme is 100000D.How many E.coli cells are required
to produce 1gm of enzymes.
16. What are secondary metabolites? Name the secondary metabolites
produced by the following plants. (a)Atropa beladona (b) Cinchona
SECTION C (3 marks each)
16.What is the principle behind the working of a mass spectrometer?
Explain the various components of it.
17.Define essential amino acids. What is the importance of BCAA in
athletes. Which protein has highest amount of BCAA.
18. With the help of schematic explain the method for constructing a
cDNA library .What are the advantage of cDNA over genomic DNA?
19. Give at least five uses of bioinformatics tools in analysis of biological
20. Who pioneered the dideoxy chain termination method .What are its
requirements .Explain the procedure in detail.
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- Physics 2000