Download CBSE Guess Paper Class Computer Science XII (12th) 2009
Guess Paper – 2009
Class – XII
Subject – Computer Science
(C++ Revision tour, Classes and Objects, Constructor)
Time :3Hrs Max Marks:70 1. a) Name the header files to which the following belong: (2) i) isalnum ( ) ii) strcat( ) iii) random ( ) iv) setw( )
b) In the following C++ program what is expected value of myscore from options (i) to (iv) given below. (2)
void main( )
randomize( );int score[]={ 25, 20,34,56, 72, 63};int myscore=score[2+random(2)];cout<<myscore<<endl; }
i) 25 ii) 34 iii) 20 iv) None of these
c) Predict the output: (2) for( int i=1;i<4;i++) { cout<< “
for( int j=1; j<=I;j++)
cout<< “*”;
d) Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error , if any. Under line each correction. (2) #include<iostream.h>
const int Devidor 5;
void amin( )
for(int count=1;count<=5;count++) if( Number/ Devidor= = 0)
cout<<Number/Devidor; cout<<endl;
cout<< Number+Devidor<<endl;
e) Find the output of the following program: (2) #include<string.h>
void change(char msg[ ], int len) {
for( int count=0;count< len;count++) {
if(islower(msg[ count]))
msg[count]=toupper(msg[count]); else
if(isupper(msg[ count]))
msg[count]=tolower(msg[count]); else if(isdigit(msg[ count]))
msg[count]= ‘*’;
} }
void main( )
char message[ ]= “ 15th AugusT CelebratED”; int size= strlen( message);
for( int c=0;,r=size-1;c<=size/2; c++,r--) {
char temp=message[c]; message[c]=message[r];
f) What is the difference between call by value and call by reference? Give example? (2)
2.a) What is inline function? Write two advantages of using inline functions? (2)
b) Define copy constructor? Mention the condition where a copy constructor is invoked? (2)
c) Encapsulation is one of the major properties of OOP? How is it implemented in C++? (2)
d) What is the difference between global and local variables ? Give an example to illustrate the same? (2) e) Write the output of the following code: (3) #include<iostream.h>
int func( int &x,int y=10)
if(x%y==0) return ++X; else return y- -; }
void main( )
int p=20, q=23;
q= func(p,q);
p= func(q);
q= func(p);
f) Predict the output: (1) for(int i=0; i<=10;i++);
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