Q1) Write a VB function that takes an integer argument N and returns the sum of all even numbers less then the given number N (4)
Q2) Write a program to swap two numbers without using third variable (3)
Q3) When the user clicks at ReverseText button, the reversed string variable should be displayed in the label in the fixed border.
Implement functionality with both strReverse() and MID() functions. (5)
Q4) Write a program to accept two numbers and print the numbers falling between the two given numbers. If the user does not enter a number, then let the user know that they must enter both the number. (4)
Q5) Write a query to display name, job,salary and hiredate of employees who are hired between May20,1981 and Dec31,1991. Order the query in ascending order of Hiredate. (2)
Q6) Create a cursor to display the name and salary of all the employees having minimum salary in their department. (4)
Q7) Write PL/SQL script obtains an empno from user. If his/her salary is less than
Rs. 900/- then delete that record from table. (3)
Q8) Display average salary, total number of employees and total salary for first five departments in Emp Table. The department number in Emp Table are 10,20,30… (5)
Download CBSE Guess Papers Informatics Practices(Set-2) Class XII(12th) 2006
- Computer Science XII 2008 -(Collection of 5 papers)