Guess Papers Informatics Practices

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Download CBSE Guess Paper Informatics Practices Class XII (12th) 2009

Guess Paper – 2009

Class – XII

Subject – Informatics Practices [065] (Set-1)

Time: 3 hours                                           Maximum Marks: 70 Note:

(i)    This Question paper contains total 4 pages. (ii)    This question paper is divided into three sections. (iii)    All questions are compulsory. (iv)    Section – A consists of 30 marks. (v)    Section – B and Section – C are of 20 marks each (vi)    Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.

Section – ‘A’

Q1. Answer the following questions:

(a)What do you understand by a One-to-Many Relationship and Many-to-One Relationship? Explain with the help of example.                                [2]

(b) Differentiate ER Modelling and Object Modelling Techniques.                               [2]

(c) Define the following terms in the context of Database

(i)  W3C

(ii) Tomcat                                                                                                            [2]

(d) What is Normalization? Explain different normalization forms.                       [4]

Q2. Answer the following questions:

(a) What is error in VB? Differentiate between each of them?                                   [2]

(b) Differentiate between Do While loop and Do Until loop in VB; also give suitable example of each.                                                 [2]

(c)Define the term Library Functions in VB. Name the different categories of library functions available in VB. Give the syntax of any two library functions.                 [2]


(c) What do you understand by ByVal or ByRef in VB. Which is by default?               [2]

(d) Explain the following Terms

(i) Modular Programming

(ii) Object Oriented Programming

(iii) Event Driven Programming

(iv) RAD                                                                                                             [4]

Q3. Answer the following questions:

(a) What is PL/SQL? What advantages it provides over SQL.                                [2]

(b) What is Cursor? Explain the steps to follow while writing a Cursor.               [2]

(c)What is the difference between “Trigger and Constraints” or “Trigger and Stored Procedure” in PL/SQL?                                    [2]

(d) What is Function? How it is different from Procedures? Also give syntax of each block.                                                   [4]

Section – ‘B’

Q4. Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:

The SHOP n SAVE store has developed the following data entry screen for its operations. The store offers three different types of membership discount schemes for its regular customers. Platinum members get a discount of 10% on all their purchases, Gold members get 5% and Silver members get 3% discount.

Consider the following data entry screen:

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