Download CBSE Informatics Practices Guess Papers - XI (11th) 2008
Guess Paper - 2008
Class – XI
Time allowed : 3 hours Max. marks : 70
Note :
(i) This question paper is divided into 3 section.
(ii) Section A consists of 30 marks
(iii) Section B and Section C are of 20 marks each.
(iv) Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.
1. Answer the following questions :
(a) What is the difference between Hardware, Software & Firmware? 2
(b) What is MICR? Differentiate between OCR and OMR? 2
(c) What are various types of Operating System ? 2
(d) What is the difference between Interpreter & Compiler ? 2
(e) What is an Operating System? What are its Function? 2
2. Answer the following questions :
(a) What do you mean by the term Word Wrapping ? 2
(b) What is meant by Text Alignment ? 1
(c) Describe Page Set Up Dialog Box, its need, utility with Diagram. 3
Describe Font Dialog Box with its need, utility with Diagram.
(d) What is CBIS ? What is its role in an organization ? 2
(e) What is Event Driven Programming ? How is it different from Traditional Programming approaches ? 2
3. Answer the following questions :
(a) What is the difference between SDI & MDI Interface ? 2
(b) What is the similarity between option buttons and check boxes ? 2
(c) What are the files that are saved when a project is saved in Visual Basic ? 1
(d) How is a variable different from a constant ? 1
(e) What are type-declaration characters ? 2
(f) What do you understand by Scope & Lifetime of a variable ? 2
4. Answer the following questions :
(a) Both Picture Box & Image Box controls are used to display graphics ? How are these two different? 2
What are Access Key? What is their significance ? How can you assign an Access Key (Explain with suitable example)?. 2
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