Download CBSE Mathematics Sample Papers Class X (10th) 2009
Sample Paper – 2009
Class – X
Subject – Mathematics
Time : 3 hrs Marks :80
General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory
2. The question paper consists of 25 questions divided in to three sections A, B and C .Section A contains 7 questions of 2 marks each .Section B is of 12 Questions of 3 marks each and section C of 6 Questions of 5 marks each
3. There is no overall choice .However ,internal choice has been provided in two questions of two marks each, two questions of three marks each, two questions of five marks each
4. In question on construction ,drawing should be neat exactly as per the given measurements.
5. Use of calculators is not permitted.
Q1. If x+3 is a factor of find a and b
Q2. Reduce the following rational expression into lowest terms
Q3. Solve for x
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