Download CBSE Physics Sample Papers Class XI (11th) 2008
Sample Paper – 2009
Class – XI
Subject - Physics
TIME: 3hr. MM: 70
General Instructions.
- Questions from question no. 1-8 carry 1marks each, 9-18 carry 2 marks each, 19-27 carry 3 marks each and 28-30 carry 5 marks each.
- There is no overall choice but one choice is given in 2 marks question, two choice in 3 marks question and all three choices in five marks question
- You may use the following physical constant where ever necessary:
Speed of light C = 3 x 108 ms-1
Gravitational constant G= 6.6 x 10-11 NM2 Kg-2
Gas constant R= 8.314 J Mol-1 k-1
Mass of electron = 9.110 x 10-31 Kg
Mechanical equivalent of heat = 4.185 J Cal-1
Standard atmospheric pressure = 1.013 x 105 Pa
Absolute zero 0k = - 273.150c
Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 Ms-2
1. If a composite physical quantity in terms of moment of inertia I, force F, velocity V,
work W and length L is defined as,
Q = (I F V2 /WL3)
Find the dimension of Q and identify it.
2. Explain why a man who fall from a height on a cemented floor receive more injury
then when he fall from the same height on the heap of sand.
3. Is it possible to have a collision in which all the kinetic energy is lost? If so cite an example.
4. You are given two spheres of the same mass, size and appearance, but one of them is solid while the other hollow. If they are allowed to roll down an incline which
One will reach the bottom first?
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- Economic Applications