Download CBSE Science Sample Paper Class X (10th) 2007
Sample Paper – 2007
Class – X
Time Allowed: 2 1/2 Hrs Max marks: 60
General Instruction :
1. The question paper consists of two sections A and B. You are to attempt both the sections and all questions are compulsory.
2. The candidates are advised to attempt all the questions of section A separately and section B separately.
3. Marks allocated to every question are indicated against it.
4. Question no. 1- 4 in section A and 17 and 18 in section B are to be answered in one word or one sentence.
5. Question no: 5-8 in section A and 19 and 20 in section B are to be answered in 30-40 words each.
6. Question no: 9-14 in section A and 21- 23 in section B are to be answered in 40 to 50 words each.
7. Question no: 15 and 16 in section A and 24 in section B are to be answered in 70 words each.
Section A
1) Why does molarity of solution change with change in temperature? 1
2) Write one features of enzymatic catalysts? 1
3) What is a closed system? 1
4) Define auto catalyst?
5) What is the formula of crystalline sodium carbonate ? 1
6) Define cullet? 1
7) Name the mirror which always forms a virtual image ? 1
8 ) Write a condition necessary for current flow. 1
9) Prove that for a concave mirror the radius of curvature is twice its focal length. 2
10) How is the colour of the star related to its temperature, explain. 2
11) What is Electromagnet? What type of core should put inside a current Carrying solenoid to make an electromagnet. State any 2 factors on which the strength of Electromagnet depends .2
12) Define the following : (i) Launch vehicle, (ii) Polar orbits, (iii) Geostationary orbit. 3
13) Define Dip and Declination . How are they related to the horzontal field of earth? 3
14) How will you distinguish between ethanol and propanone by suitable chemical test ? Give chemical reaction involved it ? 3
15) (a) How is Pyrex glass prepared?
(b) What is the unique property in photo chromatic glass?
(c) What is the major disadvantage of using the soda glass?
(d) How colored glasses prepared?
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