Download CBSE Social Science Guess Papers Class IX (9th) 2008
Guess Paper – 2008
Class – IX
Subject – Social Science
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100General Instructions- 1. All Questions are compulsory.
2. Question carrying 2 marks are to be answered in 30-40 words.
3. Question carrying 4 marks are to be answered in 60-70 words.
4. Questions carrying 6 marks are to be answered in 150-200 words 5. There is no Overall choice, but Internal choice has been provided in some questions. You are to attempt only one such question. 6. Stencils and Templates may be used in maps wherever necessary. 1. (i) Name the Group of Islands lying to the south west of India?
(ii) Name the Mountain which are prone to landslides? (1+1=2)
2. What is importance of constitution in a democratic country like India? (2)
3. Why did the upheaval of 1857 fail? What did the British government do to suppress this upheaval of 1857? (2)
4. What did Tikendrajit and Vasudeo Balwant do to Overthrow British rule?(2)
5. Discuss the Aims of Muslim league? (2)
6. When did the congress demand for Purna Swaraj and why? (2)
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