Download CBSE Social Science Sample Papers Class X (10th) 2009
Sample Paper – 2009
Class – X
Subject – Social Science
Time: 2 ½ Hrs Maximum Marks: 60
Section- A
1. What is the importance of foreign trade?
2. State two objectives of rain water harvesting.
3. Who is the writer of pride and prejudice?
4. Why have people resisted to Multipurpose River Projects?
5. Describe the world balance of trade?
6. Discuss the main effects of great depression on Indian economy?
7. Why the merchants in 17th and 18th centuries begin moving from towns to country side in Europe? Explain any three reasons.
8. In actual life. Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities. Explain by giving three examples.
9. State and explain various institutional reform programs introduced by the government in the interest of farmers?
10. Suggest any three ways in which political reforms can be made.
Section- B
11. Explain any three factors which gave birth to the consumer movement in India?
12. Agriculture and industry are not explosive of each other, they move hand in hand. Give reasons to support this statement.
13. What is communalism? How communalisms influence the politics?
14. On a political map of India locate and label the following:
a) A sea port of Gujrat
b) Hirakud Dam
c) Amarkantak bauxite mines
d) Software technology park of UP.
15. Why has Indian agriculture started a declining trend in food production? Give 4 points.
16. On a political map of India locate and label the following:
a) Soil type good for growing sugarcane
b) Tungbhadra Dam
c) Cotton textile mill in Gujrat
d) International airport of Punjab
17. What are demand deposits? Describe any three salient features of demand deposits?
‘By 1890, a global agricultural economy has taken shape’. Explain by giving examples.
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