Download Social Science CBSE Sample Paper Class X 2009
CBSE Sample Paper 2009
Social Science
Class X
Max. Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours
(i) There are 30 question in all. All question are compulsory.
(ii) Question from serial number 1 to 10 are 1 mark question.
(iii) Question from serial number 11 to 18 are 3 mark question.
(iv) Question from serial number 19 to 28 are 4 mark question.
- Which was the first modern novel in Hindi. By whom it was written ?
- What are the two main types of natural resources"
3. Name two areas where canal irrigation has developed.
- Write two human factors for the location of industries.
- Write two causes for social diversity.
- Name two leaders who worked to end the caste system.
- What is Casteism ?
8 . Which countries are known as low income countries ?
- What is Home Guard ? When it was formed ?
10. Write two main functions of the District Disaster Management Committee.
Below are given three groups A. B and C of gue..ticm 11 and 12 and select any one group for answering these two questions.
Group A
- Explain Proto-Industrialization.
- What were the results of Second World War ?
Group B
- Give two examples to show the import of technology and food availability.
12. What were the changes in the kind of work available to women in London between the 19th and 20thcentry? Explain the factors which led to this change.
Group C
11. East India Company appointed gomasthas to supervise weavers in India ? Explain.
12. To what extent does the government regulation and new laces solve problems of pollution ? Explain it in the case of public life and private life ?
13. Write a short note on the Gutcnhurg Press.
14. Write three merits of roadways.
15. What is the meaning of democracy ? Explain.
16. Write three rights of a consumer as enriched in the Consumer Protection Act of 1956.
17. Write three causes of Tsunami and explain its impact ?
18. Why does the telecommunication network get disrupted or jammed in the event of a major natural disaster?
19. Write a short report on the Simon Commission.
20. What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?
What was the role of religious group in the development of anti-national feelings on Vietnam?
21. How are Integrated Steel Plants different from mini steel plants ? What problem does this industry face? What recent development have led to a rise in the production capacity.
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