Download CBSE SOCIAL SCIENCE Guess Papers X (10th)- 2008
Guess Paper – 2008
Class – X
Subject – Social Science
Time allowed: 80 minutes] [Maximum Marks: 25 General Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Do not write anything on the question paper. 3. Questions 1 to 11 carry 2 marks each and question 12 carries 3 marks. 4. Marks for each question are indicated near it.
1. Briefly describe Jallianwallabagh massacre. 2
2. Explain any 2 power sharing arrangements made in modern democracies. 2
3. (a) List the classification of resources based on ownership. 1
(b) How has overirrigation resulted in land degradation in states like Punjab and Haryana? 1
4. Describe 2 ways of detecting tsunami 2
5. Different people have different conflicting developmental goals. Justify with 2 examples. 2
6. Indian political leaders have avoided the kind of situation in Sri Lanka with respect to language policy. How? 2
7. Explain the steps involved in resource planning. 2
What is the main criterion used by World Bank in classifying countries? What are the limitations of this criterion?
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- Science - 2008