Download ICSE Biology Sample Paper Class XII (12th) 2009
Sample Paper – 2009
Class – XII
Subject – Biology
(Botany and Zoology)
(Three hours)
Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.
All working including rough work should be done on the same sheet as and adjacent to the rest of answer.
Answer all questions in Part I and any five from Part II choosing three questions from Section A and two from Section B.The intended marks for each question or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]
Part I
(Answer all questions)
Question 1
a) Give significant differences between [5]
i) Collateral and Bicollateral vascular bundles
ii) Juxtamedullary and cortical nephrons
iii) Dermal and Sesamoid Bone
iv) Collagen and elastin fibres
v) Total and Partial Parasites
b) Answer the following questions briefly [2½]
i) Give the technical term given for the pollination caused by bats
ii) Why photosynthesis is called oxidation reduction process
iii) Name the nerve that can control heart beat
iv) One molecule of haemoglobin can carry how many molecules of oxygen?
v) Which crop is known as the first man made crop
c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate [2½]
i) The era which is popularly known as age of mammals is _______________
ii) In the lacteals the fatty acids are absorbed in the form of fat droplets called ________
iii) The sixth cranial nerve is also known as __________________
iv) The head of the epididymis is also known as __________
v) The pigment present in urine which imparts yellow colour to it is _______________
d) Explain the following briefly [3]
i) Autochory
ii) Compensation Point
iii) Chelators
e) Give the contributions of the following scientists [2½]
i) S.G.Nawaschin
ii) K.C.Hamner and J.Bonner
iii) T.D.Lysenko
iv) Godfrey Hounsfield
v) Billhoyer and Davidkhone
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- Physics