Download ICSE Biology Sample Papers Class X (10th) 2009
Sample Paper – 2009
Class - X
Subject – Biology
Time- 1½ Max. Marks. 80
Section-I (40 Marks)
Answer All Questions From This Section.
A. Select words from the following list which best describe or match statements(i)-(v):
(Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, Cell wall, Cytoplasm, Cellmemberane).
a. Where cellular respiration occurs?
b. Non-living structure which surround the plant cell.
c. Which contain chlorophyll?
d. Very thin layer of all cells.
e. The major part of the cell excluding nucleus.
B. State the function of the following:
a. Root hair
b. Epithelial
c. Cambium
d. Stomata
e. Cortex
C. Define the following:
a. Diffusion
b. Plasmolysis
c. Root pressure
d. Osmotic pressure
e. Semi-permeable membrane
D. State whether following statements are true or false:
a. Photo synthesis occurs in all plants
b. KDH absorbs necessary for photosynthesis
c. Starting point of food chain is plant.
d. Respiration is the only biological process in which oxygen is produced
e. Oxygen is the energy currency of a ,living cell
E. Choose the odd one out:
a. RBC, ATP, WBC, Platelet
b. Auricle, Aorta, Ventricles
c. Eosinophil, Basophil, leucocytes, Nucleoplasm
d. Thrombin, Monocot, Fibrin, Vita mink.
e. Fructose, Sucrose, Glucose, Calcium
F. Give reasons for the following:
a. As result of ultra filtration along with excretory product certain useful products like glucose, salt etc are also filtered but these are not excreted.
b. Glucose is absent in the urine of a healthy person.
c. The urine is slightly thicker in summer than winter.
d. These are frequent urination in winter than in summer.
e. All living things must excrete.
G. Complete the following: (5)
a. The part where fertilization occurs in human female _________.
b. The period of pregnancy is called _________.
c. Gestation period in human female is ___________days.
d. Placenta is __________ permeable.
e. Sperms contain ___________number of chromosomes.
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