Download ICSE/ISC Important Question Papers Biology with Solution - X 2009
Important Question Paper
Biology Class – X
Q.1. Name the following :
(i) The two kinds of cell division found in living organisms.
(ii) The kind of cell division normally seen at the tip of root and shoot system.
(iii) The point at which the duplicated chromosomes are joined.
(iv) The largest phase of a normal cell cycle.
(v) The points where crossing over occurs.
(vi) The stage when chromosomes arrange at the equator.
(vii) The kind of division takes place in the reproductive tissues.
(viii) Acts as a bearer of heredity units.
(ix) A region of plant body where cell division occurs very actively.
(x) The type of cell division that occurs during :
(a) Growth of shoot. (b) Formation of pollen grains. (c) Repair of worn out tissues.
(xi) Two animals which have nineteen pairs of chromosomes.
Q .2. State whether the following are true or false :
(i) The chemical present in gene is RNA.
(ii) Both the identical allele are called homozygous.
(iii) The genetic make up of an organism is called phenotype.
(iv) Two arms of a chromosome is called centromere.
(v) The plant used by Mendel was sweet pea.
Q .3. Rewrite the wrong statement by inserting a word/words. Death rate is the number of deaths of a given population per year.
Q.4. Expand the following :
(i) DNA (ii) AIDS.
Q.5. Explain the term plasmolysis. Give one application of this phenomenon in our daily life.
Q.6. Explain the following terms : (i) Bleeding (ii) Transpiration.
Q.7. Define :
(i) Photophosphorylation.
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