Download ICSE Chemistry Sample Papers Class IX (9th) 2008
Sample Paper – 2008
Class – IX
Subject – Chemistry
Section – I (40 Marks)
Note :- This section is compulsory. Answer all the question from this section.
Question – 1.
(a) Name the following :-
(i) The change of state in which naphthalene change into vapour.
(ii) A homogeneous mixture of a liquid and a solid.
(iii) One substance which is ‘deliquescent’.
(iv) The element which does not contain any neutron in its nucleus.
(v) The product formed when chlorine is mixed with moist Sulphur dioxide.
(b) Write equation for the following reaction :-
(i) Chlorine is passed over heated iron.
(ii) When potassium chlorate is strongly heated.
(iii) When ammonia is passed over heated copper oxide.
(iv) When steam is passed over red hot iron.
(v) Reaction of concentrated sulphuric acid on Sulphur.
(c) Define the following :-
(i) Sublimation (ii) Boyle’s Law (iii) Displacement reaction (iv) Water of Crystallization
(v) Allotropy.
(d) Give reason for the following :-
(i) Silver nitrate solution is kept in coloured reagent bottles in the laboratory.
(ii) Table salt becomes moist and sticky during the rainy season.
(iii) An element has atoms with differing mass numbers.
(iv) Hydrogen being lighter than air is not collected by the downward displacement of air.
(v) Nitrogen prepared from the atmosphere is more dense than nitrogen prepared by chemical reaction.
(e) At 0ºC and 760 mm Hg pressure, a gas occupies a volume of 100 cm3. The Kelvin temperature (Absolute temperature) of the gas is increased by one-fifth while the pressure is increased one and a half times. Calculate the final volume of the gas.
(f) State the observation :-
(i) When burning magnesium is placed in the jar of oxygen.
(ii) When Sulphur is burnt.
(iii) When dry slaked lime is sprinkled in a jar of chlorine.
(iv) When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water.
(v) When the water of crystallization of a salt is removed by heating it.
(g) What test to do to :-
(i) find out whether a given solution is saturated or unsaturated.
(ii) distinguish between red mercuric oxide and red lead.
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