Guess Paper – 2008
Class – X
Subject – Computer Applications
F.M – 100 Time – 2 Hrs.
(Section – A)
(Attempt all)
Q1. Differentiate between : [2*5]
i) Infiniti loop and Empty loop
ii) Character.toUpperCase ( ) and Character.isUpperCase( )
iii) Call by value and Call by referance
iv) Instance Variable and Local Variable
v) compareTo( ) and equals( )
Q2. Answer the following with example: [2*5]
i) In what circumstances a variable is said to be ‘invalid’ ?
ii) What is a ‘mixed expression’ ?
iii) What do you mean by ‘type casting’?
iv) What do you mean by ‘encapsulation’?
v) What do you mean by ‘this’ keyword ?
Q3. Write short answers: [2*6]
i) What is the similarity between Loigical and relational operators ?
ii) What is the significance of ‘default’ clause in a switch statement ?
iii) What is the effect of absence of ‘break’ in a switch statement ?
iv) What do you mean by ‘recursive method’ ?
v) What do you mean by ‘abstraction’ ?
Q4. Write the output: [1*6]
i) System.out.println(“Sevana Krishna Kumar”. substring( 7,14 ));
ii) String n = new String ( “Golden Boy”);
System.out.println( n . toUpperCase( ));
iii) int a = 2 , b = 3 , c = 9 ;
System.out.println( a – ( b + + ) * ( - - c ));
iv) int a = 2 , b = 3 , c = 9 ;
System.out.println( a * ( + + b ) % c );
v) System.out.println(Character.isWhitespace("shooting".charAt(0)));
vi) System.out.println(“Encouragement and motivation”.indexOf( ‘o’, 6));
Q5. i) Multiple initialization and update expression is possible in For loop. (T/F) [1]
ii) ASCII code of 7 is _____. [1]
iii) An escape sequence is represented by a : [1]
(a) backslash( ) (b) forwardslash( / ) (c) pipeline ( | ) (d) none
iv) 1 XOR 1 returns (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) –1 (d) all [1]
( Section – B )
( Attempt any four )
Write List of the Variables / Variable Description for each Programs.
Q6. A little girl wants to display her name “Shalini Prabha Dutta” in the following manner on the screen. Write
a class for that little girl to display her name as she desires. [15]
Shalini Prabha
Shalini Prabha Dutta
Q7. Write a class to find the volume of a solid bodies such as cylinder, cone and sphere having the function
name volume ( ) using overloading methods volume (float, int), volume ( float , float ) and volume (float)
respectively. [15]
pi – 3.14 Cylinder – pi * r 2 * h
Cone – 1 / 3 * pi * r 2 * h Sphere – 4 / 3 * pi * r 3
Q8. Write a class to accept a string , count the words containing more than two characters which begins with a
vowel(ignore cases). Eg. – India won the gold medal in the shooting event of Beijing Olympics - 08
output – No. of words – 3 and Words are – India event Olympics [15]
Q9. Write a class to input a sentence and two words in String s,w1 and w2 respectively. Then replace w1 (if
present, ignoring cases) with w2 and display both the input and converted sentences. [15]
Q10. Write a class to accept a multi digit number and a digit in int n and int d respectively and do as
directed. [15]
i) Count and print how many times the digit d is present
ii) Replace all the d’s with d+1 and display both old and new numbers.
Q11. Write a java class salary to calculate the income tax by taking monthly salary of an employee by taking as
data members based on the following conditions: [15]
Data members double sal and double tax
salary ( double n) - accept salary and initialize sal.
void disp ( ) display monthly salary and tax.
void cal ( ) calculate tax
Annual income(Rs) Tax
Upto 130000 No tax
Between 130000 – 200000 15% of the amount exceeding over Rs.130000
From 200000 – 250000 Rs. 5000 + 20% of the amount exceeding over Rs. 200000
Above 250000 30% of the amount exceeding Rs.250000
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