Computer Applications Guess Paper Class X – 2008 (4)


Sample Paper – 2008

Class – X

Subject – Computer Applications




Time 2 Hrs.


This paper is divided into two sections Section A and Section B. Section A is compulsory. Attempt all questions from it. Answer any FOUR  questions from Section B. The intended marks for each question is given in braces []


Section A ----------------  40marks

(Attempt all questions)



i)                   Distinguish between

a)     =  and ==.  b) operator and expression Give examples      [4]

b)    Question 2                                                                         [2]

i)                   Give the output of  the following

            int  x=13 y=5 ;

             System.out.println (x++  + x + --y );                                                                             

ii)                What will be the value if x=3 initially                                     [2]

x+=x++---x+x --        

iii)  What output will the following code fragment produce ?              [3]

          int c=900, x, n =2000;

         x = n+ c >2550? 1350 : 1500 ;


iv) Given the following set of identifiers:                                  [3]

long longval ; char ch ; int intval ; float fl ; short sh ;

Identify the datatype of the following expressions:

a) ‘a’-3    b) intval*longval-ch    c) fl+ longval/sh         


Question  3.

i)  Define Private and public access specifier.                                  [2+2]

ii) a) Write a statement to import a class “Nano” under the package “car” which is 

     under the package “Tata” which is under the package “Indian”. [4]

iii) Define Data type with example                                           [2]

Question 4

i)              Give the output What will be the output of the following codes:-   [3]

               x is a positive integer having value 25.

                  void fun( int x )


                        while(x > 0)



                           System.out.println(“x will be=”+x);


ii) What is call by value?                                                    [2]        

iii) Explain the function of the following with its syntax and an example :[ 5]

a.     If – else 

b.     Switch statement



Section B ---- (60 marks)

 Attempt any FOUR questions


Each program should be written in JAVA language with BlueJ as it’s base.Program should be clearly written such that the logic is clearly depicted. Variable Descriptions  and mnemonic codes must be given  be given.


QUESTION 5                                            [7+8]

i)  Write a program to print the following output                                                          1

2       3

      4   5    6

Number of lines are to be inputted by the user         

ii) WAP to calculate the sum of the following series.

   S  =  x/(x+1)!- x2/(x+2)!+x3/(x+3)! ……..n terms


QUESTION 6.    Find the value of X when                  [15]

          (n x m)!

X =---------------------------------

     (1! + 2! +3! + …. N!) x (mn)!


QUESTION 7.  WAP    to design a class that will find the hcf and lcm of two values.  [15]

Data members : int a, b

Member Functions         hcf() : to find the hcf of two numbers.

lcm() : To find the lcm of two values when lcm = a*b/hcf. Use function hcf to   find lcm.


Using the concept of function overloading WAP to find

i)                   Sum of 2 integers,

ii)                Product of 2 Float values

iii)              Reverse a number.                        


Using function prime wap to print the twin primes between a range

Class name twin

Constructor  twin()

Data members  upper, lower.

Member functions          checkprime() //checks whether a number is prime or not

                             Twinprime()     // displays twin prime between  the upper and lower range.   Program should have main method and use object to call the member functions. [15]



Wap to check whether a matrix is symmetric or not. A symmetric matrix is exactly same with its transpose. Use main method.

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