ICSE/ISC Guess Paper 2009
Class XII
a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate 2½
i) The era which is popularly known as age of mammals is _______________
ii) In the lacteals the fatty acids are absorbed in the form of fat droplets called ________
iii) The sixth cranial nerve is also known as __________________
iv) The head of the epididymis is also known as __________
v) The pigment present in urine which imparts yellow colour to it is _______________
b) Explain the following briefly 3
i) Autochory
ii) Compensation Point
iii) Chelators
c) Give the contributions of the following scientists 2½
i) S.G.Nawaschin
ii) K.C.Hamner and J.Bonner
iii) T.D.Lysenko
iv) Godfrey Hounsfield
v) Billhoyer and Davidkhone
a) What is counter current mechanism. Explain in brief . 4
b) Describe the path of ascent of sap due to transpiration pull. What were the objections raised against this theory and how was it rectified. 6
a) Describe cytochrome pump theory for active absorption of minerals. 5
b) Describe the life cycle of filarial parasite. 5
a) Give an account of process of urine formation and its hormonal control. 5
b) Describe the process of hybridization. 5
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