ISC Board Guess Paper
Subject – Commerce
Part – I
Q1. Answer briefly each of the questions (i) to (xv). [15 x 2]
(i). Mention any two objectives of marketing.
(ii). How does advertising support dealers?
(iii). What is meant by post sale activity with reference to personal selling?
(iv) What is the integration concept of management?
(v) State any to features of communication.
(vi) Expand the terms:
(a) SFC
(vii) How different is Sales Promotion from Advertisement?
(viii) What is a company limited by guarantee?
(ix) Mention any two functions of a promoter.
(x) Mention any two limitations of Direct Mail Advertising.
(xi) Define management as a process.
(xii) Mention any two advantages of crossing a cheque.
(xiii) Give any two advantages of written communication.
(xiv) What is meant by trade credit?
(xv) What is a certificate of incorporation?
Part – II
(Answer any seven questions)
Q2. Explain the steps involved in the promotion of a Company. [10]
Q3. (a) Mention ten features of a Managing Director’s position. [5]
(b) Explain the terms : director, full time director and part time director. [5]
Q4. (a) What are open ended Mutual Funds? [5]
(b) Examine any four dominant factors determining the amount of fixed capital requirements for a business. [5]
Q5. (a) Why are participating preference shares so called? [5]
(b) Bring out the distinction between the Principles of Taylor and Fayol. [5]
Q6. (a) Discuss the importance of staffing as a function of management. [5]
(b) Explain any five features of organizing as a function of management. [5]
Q7. Discuss the universality of Henry Fayol’s principals of management. [10]
Q8. (a) Enumerate the advantages which flow from outdoor advertising. [4]
(b) Define sales promotion as an element of promotion mix, highlighting its objectives. [6]
Q9. (a) Explain briefly any six functions of the management of an organization. [5]
(b) Discuss any for principles of scientific management as formulated of an organization. [5]
Q10. Write briefly on:
(a) Minimum subscription. [3]
(b) Direction as a function of Management. [3]
(c) Any four agency functions of Commercial Banks. [4]