1. Describe different skills required for a manager and the responsibilities of a professional manager.
2. Discuss the importance of communication for a manager. Describe various barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them to make communication more effective.
3. List out various dimensions and determinants of organizational climate and their relevance in organizational functioning. Discuss organizational climate with reference to your organization or an organization you are familiar with and briefly describe the organization you are referring to.
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4. Describe different types and models of decision-making process. Discuss how decision-making is followed in your organization or an organization you are familiar with. Suggest how it could be improved. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.
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5. Describe various determinants of interpersonal behaviour. Explain the Johari window as a conceptual model for studying interpersonal awareness and discuss its relevance in an organizational set up.
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- Sec. School Curriculum 2009 volume I (page 51-100)