CS05 : Elements of Systems Analysis & Design
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the rest.
1.(a) What kind of fact finding techniques would you use for investigating the information requirements for a multispeciality hospital, which is presently using the manual registrations ? Which kind of techniques do you think will be more effective ? Also, mention the problems you anticipate in conducting the investigations. (10)
(b) List and explain various parts of system design process. Illustrate this with the help of an example. (10)
(c) With the help of an example for each, explain the following tools : (10)
(i) Structured flow chart
(ii) HIPO diagrams
(iii) Warnier/Orr diagrams
2.(a) Construct a dialogue tree showing its branches for "prompting the menu items" Of your choice. Also, explain the significance of the dialogue tree. (8)
(b) List the underlying principles for a prototype design Under which conditions, will prototype design be useful ? Also, mention the steps involved in the whole process of prototype design. (7)
3.(a) With the help of an example situation for each, explain the following testing techniques : (8)
(i) Peak load test
(ii) Storage testing
(iii) Performance time testing
(iv) Recovery testing
(b) "The design of the human-computer interface (HCI) is one of the most important aspects of the system design." Explain various factors that one needs to consider for a good and efficient HCI. (7)
4. (a) Draw a data flow diagram (DFD) depicting the various processes, data flow and data repositories for a petrol-pump retail outlet. Follow the appropriate conventions/symbols as given in your study material. (7)
(b) Explain the following types of feasibility studies : (8)
(i) Operational
(ii) Legal
(iii) Technical
(iv) Time
5. (a) What is the full form of VTOC. Explain its significance. Draw a VTOC for any system (task) of your choice. (8)
(b) List and explain at least seven considerations for the output design. (7)