Term-End Examination
December, 2006
CS-63 : Introduction To System Software
Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 60
Note - Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any
three questions from the rest
1, (a) Write an algorithm and draw the corresponding
flowchart to check whether the given number is a
prime number or not. (8)
(b) What is process-scheduling ? List different process
scheduling algorithms. Explain the working of Round
Robin scheduling algorithm by taking an example.
What are the demerits of this algorithm ? (8)
(c) Write UNIX commands for the following : (5)
(i) Display only first 5 lines of a file named test.c.
(ii) Display the total number of files in the current
working directory which contains the word UNIX.
(iii) Change the permission of a file named testl.c
such that owner and group will have only read
permissions for this file.
(iv) Display total number of processes executing.
(v) Put a job in background
(d) Write regular expressions for the following C
statements (5)
(i) If ...Else statement
(ii) While statement
(e) What is fragmentation ? Explain the difference
between external and internal fragmentation. (4)
2. (a) Explain the algorithm of one pass assembler. (6)
Mention at least four features of assembler that are
machine independent.
(b) What is a Source Code Control System (SCCS) ? (4)
Explain how it is used in UNIX system by taking examples.
3. (a) What is segmentation ? Explain how the sharing and
protection is provided in a segmentated system . (5)
(b) Explain the CPU scheduling and Memory management in UNIX O/S. (5)
4. (a) What is the use of Context Free Grammar (CFG) ? (6)
List and explain the components of the CFG. Also,
give an example.
(b) consider to develop a Gul form for student registration in some programming language like (4)
Visual Basic. Mention what are the features that should be considered in the form(s) from the user's
5. (a) Explain the non-contiguous allocation schemes, with (5)
the help of an example for each.
(b) Explain the debugging functions and capabilities of (5)
interactive debugging systems.