Term-End Examination
June, 2OO6
Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks: 60
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the rest.
l. (a) Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow
chart to check whether a given number is an Avogadro
number or not.
(Note : e.g. 153 : 1(power 3) + 5(power 3) + 3(power 3) is an Avogadro number.) (7)
(b) What are the limitations of a one-pass assembler ?
Explain the additional tasks that are performed in
two-pass assemblers over one-pass assemblers. (7)
(c) Write a shell program to find the Greatest Common
Divisor (GCD) for any two given numbers. (7)
(d) Explain why segmentation is required in memory
management. How is address mapping implemented (9)
in a Segmented System ? Give any two advantages of
segmentation over a paging scheme.
2. (a) Explain the functions of LEX s/w tool. (4)
(b) What is 4GL ? Give any two examples for 4GL. (6)
Mention the merits and demerits of usage of 4GLs in
applications development.
3. (a) Generate the parse tree for the expression : (5)
P = a * b + c / d + e
for the grammar rules given below :
List -+ list + digit
List -+ list * digit
List --+ list / digit
List -+ digit
digit + 0| 1 | 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 | 8 | 9 l
(b) Give the UNIX commands for the following : (5)
(i) Print the first five lines of any file.
(ii) Find the number of users logged-on to the
(iii) Print lines not common to any two given files.
(iv) To sort the numbers in descending order in a
data file.
(v) To copy file1 with another name file2 in the
same directory.
4. (a) What is offline communication and online communication in UNIX ? Give at least two (6)
commands to carry out each of these communications in UNIX.
(b) Explain the hardware support for the Mutual Exclusion Problem, using semaphores. (4)
5. (a) What is a scheduler ? Explain any two types of schedulers. (6)
(b) Write at least four characteristics of an interactive text editor with the help (4)
of an example editor