CS-64 : Introduction To Computer Organisation-June,2006

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Term-End Examination

June, 2OO6


Time:3 hours Maximum Marks: 75

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Simplify the following boolean function in Product of Sums form :(5)

F (A, B, C, D) = t (0, 1, 3, 5,7, 9, 77, 14, 15)

(b) Design a combinational circuit that takes a 4-bit binary number as input and generates an output 0 for combinations 0000 to 0110 and combinations 1110 to 1111. For all other combinations. output is 1.(5)

(c) What are the factors {or deciding the length of the Instruction ? Also, give factors for deciding the length of addressing bits.(5)

(d) Write the syntax, and explain the function of the following 8086 assembly language instructions : (6)

(i) AAA

(ii) XLAT

(iii) LEA

(iv) IDIV

(e) Write an instruction sequence for evaluating

A x B - D _ / E

using zero and one-address instructions. (4)

(f) What is arbitration ? Describe the method of Daisy Chaining. Also, give one advantage and one disadvantage of Polling and Independent requesting over this method.(5)

2. (a) An 8-bit register R1 contains 10110110. What should the value of the register R2 be so that the most significant 4-bits of R1 are :

(i) selectively set

(ii) selectively complemented

(iii) selectively cleared

(iv) masked

Show the operations above using R1 and R2. (6)

(b) What is the need of master-slave flip{lop ? With the help of a logic diagram, explain the working of the master-slave flip-flop.(5)

(c) Why does DMA have priority over the CPU when both request a memorY transfer ? (4)

3. (a) Draw the logic diagram of a 4-bit ripple counter. How is it different from svnchronous counters ? (5)

(b) What are the problems encountered while writing in systems with cache memories ? Also, give the suggested techniques for writing in systems with cache memories.(5)

(c) Write a program in 8086 assembly language to find the minimum and maximum of 10 given values stored in an array in the memory.(5)

4. (a) What is RAID ? Explain briefly the RAID level 3 and level 5. (5)

(b) What is the purpose of Wilkes control unit ? Describe this with the help of a diagram. (5)

(c) What is Interrupt driven Input/Output ? Is it better than programmed I'll ? Justify your answer. (5)

5. (a) Explain the following terms with the help of an example or diagram: (10)

(i) Interrupt vector table

(ii) Peripheral processors and co-processors

(iii) PLA

(iv) Horizontal and Vertical Micro instructions

(b) List five addressing modes used in an 8086 microprocessor. Explain any two in the context of an 8086 microprocessor, with the help of an example each.(5)

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