Term-End Examination
December, 2006
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : Your answers should be brief and to the point. Wherever possible, support your answers with facts and figures
A1. Answer all questions. (1x10=10)
(a) Fill in the blank spaces :
(i) A______________is a collection of billions of stars
and clouds of gas and dust.
(ii) Metals were first used in the____________age.
(iv) What is gene splicing as carried out in genetic
engineering ?
(v) Mention two factors in Indian society that led to the
decline of science in the post-Gupta period.
(vi) What is multi-tier cropping ? Give one example of this.
(vii) write two applications of a geostationary satellite"
(viii) classify the following diseases 'as infectious and
non-infectious :
Diabetes, Cholera, Conjunctivitis, Asthma.
(ix) state one advantage.and one limitation of newspaper
as a medium of mass communication.
(x) Describe briefly any two areas in which science and
technology can help us in achieving social objectives
in India.
Answer any eight questions. Limit your answers to
100 words each.
B1- Describe the developments in astronomy that took place in (5)
ancient India.
B2- What is a hypothesis ? Discuss briefly the inductive and
deductive logic in framing a hypothesis. Give one example
each (1+2+2=5)
B3- Describe Pasteur's experiment to disprove spontaneous
generation. (5)
B4- Define aging as a process in the human body. List any four
symptoms of aging. (3+2=5)
B5- A pond is harbouring some green plants, some insects,
frogs, fishes and quite a large population of bacteria.
(i) 6n we call this pond an ecosystem ? Give reason in
support of your answer.
(ii) Describe the trophic relationships of any four of the
above mentioned organisms. (3+2=5)
B6- What are saline and alkaline soils ? Describe the methods
used for their reclamation. (2+3=5)
B7. Discuss the need of calcium and iron as mineral nutrients (5)
for human beings.
B8. Describe how the Sun would evolve once its fuel is (5)
B9. What is waste recycling ? Give two examples of solid waste recycling. (1+2+2=5)
B10. What is an optical fibre ? Describe any two applications of
optical fibres.
Bl l. Discuss how science and technology can be used for (5)
national development in the field of education.
Attempt any three questions. Limit your answers to
about 200 words each.
C1 . Define pollution. Name any two major air pollutants, other
than sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, produced due
to burning of wood, coal and other fossil fuels. Also
describe their harmful effects . (2+1+7=10)
C2" Write the full form of AIDS. Why is it considered a fatal
" disease ? What are its. common modes of infection ?
Suggest protective measures against them (1+2+3+4:10)
C3. Suppose a hydro-electric power plant is to be set up in your
area" What factors should be considered before setting it
up ? Suggest the precautions that should be taken to avoid
any undesirable effects. (5+5=10)
C4. Differentiate between stimulus and response. Describe the
steps in Pavlov's experiment leading to the acquisition of a
learned response in a dog. (2+8=10
C5. What is biotechnology ? How is it being used for human
benefit in the areas of agriculture and health ? (2+4+4=10)