MCS-012 Computer Organisation and Assembly
Course Code : MCA(1)/012/Assign/09
Last Dates for Submission : 15th April, 2009 (For January Session) 15th October, 2009 (For July Session)
Max. Marks: 100 Weightage:25%
There are four questions in this assignment, which carries 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce.
Note : Attempt all Questions.
Q1. (Based on Block 1):
(a) Perform the following arithmetic operations using 8-bit binary signed 2’s complement representation for integers. (Please note that the numbers given here are in decimal notation) (3 Marks)
(i) Add – 56 and 38
(ii) Subtract 28 from –100
(iii) Add 69 and 75
Please indicate the overflow if it occurs.
(b). Convert the hexadecimal number ABCDEF into binary and octal.
(c). Convert the following string into equivalent ASCII code – “Have a nice day”. Include spaces between words in the resultant ASCII. (2 Marks)
(d) Design a logic circuit that converts a four digit binary input to equivalent Binary Coded Decimal value. You need to first create the truth table (please note this circuit should have four input bits, but five output bits; for example, for an input 1001 (decimal 9) the suggested output will be 0 1001 (the BCD value 0 9); and for an input 1010 (decimal 10) the suggested output should be 1 0000 (the BCD value 1 0 )). After creating the truth table design the Boolean expressions for each of the five output bits. Draw the resulting circuit diagram using AND – OR – NOT gates. (5 Marks)
(e) A sequential circuit has two D flip flops A and B, two inputs x and y and one output z. Flip flops input equations and the circuit output are as follows:
DA = xy’ +A
DB = yB + xA
z = B
(i) Draw the logic diagram of the table.
(ii) Tabulate the state table. (5 Marks)
(f) Represent the number (55.5) 10 using a 32 bit floating point representation format. You may assume that the mantissa is normalised; the exponent is of 8 bits having a bias of 127; and one bit is used for the sign bit. (4 Marks)
Q2. (Based on Block 2):
(a) A RAM has a capacity of 64K × 16. (2 Marks)
(i) How many data input and data output lines does this RAM need to have?
(ii) How many address lines will be needed for this RAM?
(iii) What is the capacity of RAM in bytes?
(b) Consider a RAM of 64 words with a word size of 16 bits. Assume that this memory have a cache memory of 8 Blocks with block size of 32 bits. Draw a diagram to show the address mapping of RAM and Cache, if 4-way set associative memory scheme is used. (4 Marks)
(c). Explain at least three main differences between the Programmed Input/ Output Scheme and Direct Memory Access scheme for data transfer. Also suggest one situation where programmed Input/ output will be preferable over Direct Memory Access. (4 Marks)
(d). Assume that the average seek time for a disk is 50 ms; the disk rotates at 12000 rpm; and each track of the disk have 300 sectors. Calculate the access time for the disk? (2 Marks)
(e) Explain with help of an example, how FAT is different from Inode. (2 Marks)
(Word limit for the answer is 100 words ONLY)
(f) Define each of the following term. Explain the main purpose / use / advantage of the term.
(Word Limit for answer of each part is 50 words ONLY) (6 Marks)
(i) Colour Depth of a video card
(ii) Refresh rate
(iii) Shadow mask
(iv) Active Matrix Technology
(v) RAID level 5
(vi) Constant liner velocity disks
Q3. (Based on Block 3):
(a). A new embedded machine is to be designed having limited processing power and memory capacity. The designers decided that the programming languages on this machine should NOT have pointers and recursion but must have subroutine call and return with at most one parameter. The machine also supports arrays. They decided to include only 4 addressing modes. Suggest four best addressing modes for this machine. Give justification of selection of each of the addressing modes. (4 Marks)
(b). Assume a hypothetical machine has a simple addition instruction - ADD A, B. Assume that this machine have only AC, MAR, IR and DR registers. Show the steps for fetch and execute operations of the instructions using suitable micro-operations. Make and state suitable assumptions, if any. (5 Marks)
(c). Explain with the help of an example, how the following arithmetic and logic micro-operation may be performed in a computer: (2+2+1 = 5 marks)
(i) Add with carry
(ii) Decrement
(iii) Exclusive OR
(d). Explain the purpose of control memory with the help of a suitable diagram. (3 Marks)
(Word limit except diagram is 150 words)
(e). Explain the advantages of using large register file in RISC machine with the help of suitable diagram. (3 Marks)
(Word limit except diagram is 150 words)
Q4. (Based on Block 4):
(a). Write an 8086 assembly Language Program to compare if two strings are of the same length. Assume that the end of a string is the character ‘$’. Make suitable assumptions, if any. (8 Marks)
(b). Write a program in 8086 assembly language that accepts two input digits and creates a packed BCD number in AL register. (6 Marks)
(c). Write a simple subroutine that adds two numbers that are passed as parameters to the subroutine. (6 Marks)
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